// Text file for project sfgame, language en generated by export_txt @ 2013-12-23 12:26:24
// Fallback Language: en
13 OK
14 Login
15 - Welcome -
16 Name
17 Password
18 - Create character -
19 E-mail
20 Request
21 OK
22 Forgot password? Click here!
23 OK
24 back
25 Not a member? Create character!
26 - Save character -
27 - Request password -
28 T&Cs
29 Mouth
30 Chin
31 Nose
32 Eyes
33 Eyebrows
34 Ears
35 Hair
36 Save
37 Back
38 Tattoo
40 Work
41 Get a real job... It's just what you've always wanted to avoid.
42 Work %hours hours for %reward.
44 OK
45 Extra
46 Horns
47 Roll
48 Logout
49 OK
50 Players
51 Guilds
52 Rank
53 Name
54 Guild
55 Level
56 Honor
57 Guild leader
58 Members
59 Name / Rank search
60 Strength
61 Dexterity
62 Intelligence
63 Constitution
64 Luck
65 Defense
66 Evasion
67 Resistance
68 Hit Points
69 Critical Hit
70 You are currently working. You can cancel your shift, but then you don't get paid.
71 Cancel
72 You have finished your job.
73 You get
74 for your labor.
75 Gold
76 Silver
77 Mushrooms
78 and
79 New goods 1~P
80 Read
81 Delete
82 Write
83 Send
84 Discard
85 From
86 Subject
87 Date
88 inbox
89 Read message
90 Write message
91 Receiver
92 Subject
93 Enter message here
94 Message
95 Sent at
96 Close
97 Join
98 Choose quest:
99 Reward:
100 Accept
101 Back
102 Experience
103 Duration
104 Cancel
105 Skip
106 Evaded!
107 (none)
108 Next Level
109 Welcome to the stable!
110 My reliable high-performance mounts are available for leasing. You save maintenance cost - but that's not all! You also get a mobility warranty for no extra charge!
111 Duration: 14 Days
112 Purchase
113 As you enter the arena,
114 suddenly appears and starts charging at you. Do you accept the challenge? You can also attack someone else by entering his name in the field beneath:
115 - Arena -
116 You can change your character description here.
117 Already a member? Click here !
118 No description available.
119 Block
120 Hair color
121 Honor earned:
122 Honor lost:
123 Coin gained:
124 Coin lost:
125 Picture
126 Change
127 Change
128 Name >
129 E-mail >
130 Password >
131 Delete Account
132 OK
133 Change Name
134 Password:
135 New Name:
136 Repeat:
137 Change E-mail
138 Password:
139 New E-Mail:
140 Repeat:
141 Change password
142 Old password:
143 New password:
144 Repeat:
145 Delete account
146 Password:
147 Repeat:
148 E-Mail:
149 Volume:
150 Volume: no sound
151 - Options -
152 Your password has been changed successfully.
153 Your name has been changed successfully.
154 Your e-mail address has been changed successfully.
155 Change (1~G)
156 Change (10~P)
157 You are not a member of a guild. You can join a guild if you are invited by the guild leader. You can also start your own guild and become a master yourself. If you want to do this, enter the name of your new guild here and click on 'create'.
158 Create (10~G)
159 - Found a guild -
160 Damage
161 About us
162 -
163 Armor
164 Blocked!
165 Message
166 Attack
167 Basis:
168 Equipment:
169 Total:
170 Do you really want to kick the selected player from your guild?
171 - Kick player from guild -B171
172 Do you really want to resign from your position as guild leader and make the selected player the new leader?
173 - Guild Leader -
174 Enter the name of a player you want to invite to your guild
175 - Invite player -
176 Are you sure you want to leave your guild?
177 - Leave guild -
178 Reply
179 Click here to change the visible description of your guild.
180 No visible description has been entered for this guild.
181 Level:
182 Guild chat:
183 To the guild
184 Drink (1~P)
185 Thirst for adventure + 20
186 Are you thirsty?
187 I am sorry, but...
188 Hey, buddy, you look like someone who could use a gulp of my special beer. Home-brewed based on an ancient family recipe that can give you the strength for more adventures. But beware! You can't drink more than 10 beers a day.
189 You've had enough for today, mate. Come back tomorrow.
190 Drunk today:
191 What do you want from me?
192 Say, buddy... don't you think you should go on some quests before you get wasted? My brew can make tired heroes ready for battle again. But you look neither tired or heroic anyway. Maybe you should speak to one of those quest givers in front of you.
193 Thirst for adventure
194 Mount:
195 Duration:
196 (none)
197 Day
198 Days
199 Armor
200 max. 50 %
201 Weapon damage
202 Damage by enemy level
203 Gold spent:
204 Mushrooms spent:
205 Invite...
206 Show profile
207 Kick player
208 Officer
209 Guild Leader
210 After your last fight in the dungeon you need to rest (%1)... but you could also consume a mushroom.
211 After the fight you have to rest, but then you hear that
212 has been trash-talking about you. You could consume a mushroom to resolve the issue at once.
213 Extend
214 Upgrade
215 max.
216 You have been disconnected from the server. Maybe you don't have an active internet connection or our server is undergoing maintenance When the connection is available again you will reconnect automatically.
217 Connect
218 Please choose a class
219 You must select a class (Warrior / Mage / Scout)
220 100 silver = 1 gold
221 Re:
222 Shakes & Fidget - The Game
223 Forum
224 You can gain a thirst for more adventures by drinking a special brew - just ask the bartender!
225 Fortress level determines#the member capacity of your guild.
226 Treasure gives every member a percentage bonus for gold income from quests and working.
227 The instructor gives every guild member a percentage bonus for experience gained on quests. (Level * 2)
228 Increase
229 Enemy's level
230 incl.
231 Guild bonus
232 incl.
233 Guild bonus
234 Your e-mail address has not been confirmed yet. Click on the confirmation link in your mail to do so. Accounts without confirmation will be deleted when player is inactive for a while.
235 Click here to get the confirmation mail again.
236 Confirmation mail has been sent.
237 Your e-mail address is not confirmed
238 Show combat
239 won
240 lost
241 s
242 Confirm your e-mail address
243 Confirmation failed
244 E-mail address already confirmed
245 Your e-mail address has been confirmed.
246 Your e-mail address could not be confirmed. Please check if you have copied the link correctly from your mail client.
247 Your e-mail address is already confirmed. You don't need to start the game by using the confirmation link any more.
248 Gender: Male
249 Gender: Female
250 has donated
251 gold.
252 has donated
253 mushrooms.
254 /gold
255 /mushroom
256 Donate this amount of gold.#You can donate any amount of gold by entering /gold in the chat.
257 Donate this amount of mushrooms.#You can donate any amount of mushrooms by entering /mushroom in the chat.
258 has increased %1.
259 -
260 has removed
261 has promoted
262 has promoted
263 has degraded
264 has invited
265 from the guild
266 to the new guild leader.
267 to an officer.
268 to a common member.
269 to join the guild.
270 has joined the guild.
271 has left the guild.
272 Terms
273 Privacy Policy
274 Manual
275 Privacy Policy
276 %link and %link read
278 Environmental award
279 Shakes & Fidget - The Game
280 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890.-,;#/!"='ĂŸĂ¤ĂÂśĂÂźĂâĂâĂĹ+*%&:@ââÂŹ~ ?()[]$<>_~^ÂŁ
281 Email confirmation
282 Here you can resend the confirmation mail to your e-mail account. This can only be done three times a day.
283 OK
284 E-mail address confirmation
285 Your e-mail address is already confirmed.
286 Debug-Info##Account-ID: %3#Imageserver: %1#TCP-Port: %2#PHP-Tunneling: %4|on|off
287 You look like someone who is ready for some gambling. You can double the wager if you want to!
288 Hey, you lucky devil! Please give me another chance to beat you!
289 Uh, you lost. Anyway, another game, another chance. Come on - this time you can win!
290 You can bet gold pieces here.
291 The daring hero bets mushrooms... or was it the daring fool?
292 Very well, my friend. Now, under which cup is the ball? You must make your choice.
293 In the darkest corner of the inn#you see a dubious person.#He seems to offer some sort#of gambling. That's illegal!##You could call the guards.##Or give it a try.#Just once.
294 Go!
295 OK
296 You want to try again? It's your money, not mine...
297 That's better than nothing I guess.
298 You don't know fear, do you? I like you. Let's hope that you will win.
299 You are mad! Or clever... whatever, no profit without risk!
300 You can only bet with what you have. Either put it on the table or leave.
301 Yes!
302 Hmpf.
303 Just leave!
304 Leader
305 Member
306 maximum!
307 Mirror image
308 You can only bet with mushrooms#after you have bought additional mushrooms#at least once.
309 Day
310 Days
311 Hour
312 Hours
313 Temporary:
314 till:
315 effect until:
316 To cancel the potions effect#double-click on#the symbol.
317 Disable animations
501 Error: This name is not available
502 Error: Your name needs to have 3 to 30 characters.
503 Error: The chosen password is too short (at least 5 characters required).
504 Error: The server has denied your e-mail address.
505 Error: The server has denied your name.
506 Error: Login failed. Please check name and password.
507 Error: You must accept the Terms & Conditions to become a member.
508 Error: Message box of the receiver is full.
509 Error: Name not found.
510 Error: You cannot send messages to yourself.
511 Error: Password and confirmation password don't match.
512 Error: Not enough gold.
513 Error: Your password is incorrect.
514 Error: Face data incorrect.
515 Error: Your e-mail address is incorrect.
516 Error: The given names don't match.
517 Error: The given e-mail addresses don't match.
518 Error: Player could not be found.
519 Error: No guild name. Please enter a name for your guild.
520 Error: The chosen player is already member of a guild.
521 Error: The server is full.
522 Error: You cannot fight yourself.
523 Error: Not found.
524 Error: You cannot perform this action right now.
525 Error: Not enough mushrooms.
526 Error: Not enough gold.
527 Error: The facility does not exist.
528 Error: The facility cannot be raised any more.
529 Error: The player is not a member of the guild.
530 Error: The guild leader cannot be degraded to an officer.
531 Error: The guild has no room for new members.
532 Error: You are already a member of another guild.
533 Error: This player has not confirmed his membership yet.
534 Error: You are already a member of this guild.
535 Error: Player not found.
536 Error: Subject line too short.
537 Error: You have nothing to send.
538 Error: You are not a member of this guild.
539 Error: You are not a member of this guild.
540 Error: Forbidden text.
541 Error: You cannot order more to drink.
542 Error: Not enough mushrooms.
543 Error: Not enough thirst for adventure.
544 Error: You cannot switch to a lower level mount - and you don't want to.
545 Error: You already joined this guild.
546 Error: The guild invitation has been withdrawn.
547 Error: Not enough mushrooms.
548 Error: Not enough mushrooms.
549 Error: This name is no available
550 Error: The name needs to be have 3 to 30 characters.
551 Error: The name may not contain special characters.
552 Error: You must confirm your e-mail address before spending gold or mushrooms.
553 Error: You can only donate mushrooms that you have purchased from the dealer.
554 Error: You can only attack the same opponent once per hour.
555 Error: Name or password is wrong.
556 Error: There is already an account with this e-mail address.
557 Error: You cannot spend negative amounts. But nice try :-)
558 Error: You can only spend whole gold pieces.
559 You have been blocked due to the payment process. Please use the support link above.
560 Your account has been locked. Please contact %gamestaffemail% for further information.
561 You may only sell goods from your backpack.
562 Please complete the required fields!
563 Your account has to be validated before you can invite players!
564 You have sent too many invitations.
565 The e-mail address you provided was rejected.
600 You have to choose a class before saving (Warrior / Mage / Scout)!
601 You cannot fight in the arena while on a quest.
602 You cannot work while on a quest.
603 You cannot enter a dungeon while on a quest.
604 You cannot fight in the arena while working.
605 You cannot enter the tavern while working.
606 You cannot enter a dungeon while working.
607 Error: Image server not available Please reload this site.
608 Error: You have created to many accounts with this computer.
609 Your inventory is full - you should sell something before entering the dungeon.
610 Your inventory is full - you should make room before accepting an assignment!
999 Error: The action could not be executed.
1001 Sword
1002 Shield
1003 Armor
1004 Boots
1005 Gloves
1006 Cap
1007 Belt
1008 Amulet
1009 Ring
1010 Item
1031 Strength
1032 Dexterity
1033 Intelligence
1034 Constitution
1035 Luck
1036 All attributes
1037 -
1038 -
1039 -
1040 -
1041 Duration
1042 Hit Points
1100 125~P ââÂŹ9,99
1101 500~P ââÂŹ24,99
1102 1250~P ââÂŹ49,99
1103 125~P ââÂŹ9,99
1104 500~P ââÂŹ24,99
1105 1250~P ââÂŹ49,99
1106 125~P ââÂŹ9,99
1107 500~P ââÂŹ24,99
1108 1250~P ââÂŹ49,99
1109 30~P ââÂŹ2,99
1110 50~P ââÂŹ4,99
1111 125~P ââÂŹ9,99
1112 30~P ââÂŹ2,99
1113 50~P ââÂŹ4,99
1114 125~P ââÂŹ9,99
1115 125~P ââÂŹ9,99
1116 500~P ââÂŹ24,99
1117 1250~P ââÂŹ49,99
1118 125~P ââÂŹ9,99
1119 500~P ââÂŹ24,99
1120 1250~P ââÂŹ49,99
1121 125~P ââÂŹ10
1122 500~P ââÂŹ25
1123 1250~P ââÂŹ50
1124 Netbank-Action|1000 mushrooms for opening#a bank account at no charge.
1125 SponsorPay|Be rewarded for#taking part in polls, sweepstakes and #so on. Mushrooms await!
1126 Voucher|Here you can redeem a game voucher!
1140 150~P ââÂŹ9,99
1141 600~P ââÂŹ24,99
1142 1500~P ââÂŹ49,99
1143 150~P ââÂŹ9,99
1144 600~P ââÂŹ24,99
1145 1500~P ââÂŹ49,99
1146 150~P ââÂŹ9,99
1147 600~P ââÂŹ24,99
1148 1500~P ââÂŹ49,99
1149 36~P ââÂŹ2,99
1150 60~P ââÂŹ4,99
1151 150~P ââÂŹ9,99
1152 36~P ââÂŹ2,99
1153 60~P ââÂŹ4,99
1154 150~P ââÂŹ9,99
1155 150~P ââÂŹ9,99
1156 600~P ââÂŹ24,99
1157 1500~P ââÂŹ49,99
1158 150~P ââÂŹ9,99
1159 600~P ââÂŹ24,99
1160 1500~P ââÂŹ49,99
1161 150~P ââÂŹ9,99
1162 600~P ââÂŹ24,99
1163 1500~P ââÂŹ49,99
1164 Netbank-Action|1000 mushrooms for opening#a bank account at no charge.
1165 SponsorPay|Be rewarded for#taking part in polls, sweepstakes and #so on. Mushrooms await!
1166 Voucher|Here you can redeem game vouchers#for Mushrooms!
1200 PayPal
1201 Credit card
1202 Online transfer
1203 Telephone number
1204 SMS
1205 Debit
1206 Transfer
1207 Paysafe Card
1208 for free
1300 The Buried Fountain
1301 The Shoemaker
1302 Deadly Curiosity
1303 The Secret Door
1304 Unbelievable - But True!
1305 The Amazing Journey
1306 The Magic Circle
1307 The Haunted Castle
1308 The Old Walk-In Closet
1309 The Demon's Portal
1310 The Golden Chest
1311 The Magic Ring
1312 The Old Man
1313 Cave Of Legends
1314 The Herbage Meadow
1315 A Fine Wine
1316 The Final Leg
1317 Explosive Danger
1318 The Giant Jewel
1319 The Egg Of Kadosh
1330 The Philatelist
1331 The Bottle Deposit
1332 Recycling Pickup
1333 Running On Empty
1334 Resources
1335 Gold Bar Collection
1336 Trends
1337 The Unique Amulet
1338 Potent Herbs
1339 A Whole Lotta Ore
1340 The Secret Ingredient
1341 Patch Day
1342 Fresh Sea Flowers
1343 Gnawed Hero's Bones
1344 The Butterfly Wing
1345 The Corpse Monster
1346 The Earth Golem
1347 Lack Of Ammunition
1348 The Guru
1349 Big Plans
1360 Fruit Drops?
1361 A New Lollipop
1362 The Wooden Sword
1363 The Artifact Seeker
1364 That Thingy
1365 The Fireball
1366 Fields Of Gold
1367 The Old Bone
1368 Crocodile Eyes
1369 Beta Key required
1370 The Aroma Problem
1371 He Wants To Be A Millionaire
1372 Unbelievable!
1373 The Holy Shield
1374 The Magical Sword
1375 The Golden Armor
1376 The Magical Cloak
1377 The Meaning Of Life
1378 The Plot
1379 A Mysterious Crystal
1400 Hey, psst! Yes, you!
1401 Hey you, listen to me!
1402 If you have nothing better to do, listen to this.
1403 You again? Okay, here we go.
1404 Hey you goofball - do you need a job?
1405 You look like someone who would do anything for a few gold pieces.
1406 Welcome! Welcome! I have a great quest that is waiting just for you!
1407 Hey buddy, you arrived at just the right time.
1408 Do you have the time for a great quest?
1409 I have a little gold, you have a little time!
1450 Did you get that?
1451 Are you in?
1452 Does this make sense to you?
1453 Got it?
1454 Get yourself moving!
1455 Stay cool!
1456 Do you think you can handle this?
1457 Don't forget: Good news is always welcome!
1458 Don't forget: Bad news is never rewarded!
1459 Are you gonna do it or not?
1460 And now - let's dance!
1461 All clear?
1462 If you do it, do it with style!
1463 Any questions?
1464 I think you can do it.
1465 At least you could try it.
1466 And while you're at it, get me some cookies!
1500 Go to the Sprawling Jungle.
1501 Travel to the Skull Island.
1502 Prepare yourself to go to the Evernight Wood.
1503 Go to the Stumble Steppe.
1504 Go to the Shadowrock Mountain.
1505 Run to the Split Canyon.
1506 Go to the Black Water Swamp.
1507 Travel to Flooded Caldwell.
1508 Climb Tusk Mountain.
1509 Travel to the Moldy Forest.
1510 Travel to Nevermoor.
1511 Travel to the Busted Lands.
1512 Travel to Erogenion.
1513 Go to Magmaron.
1514 Travel to the Sunburn Desert.
1515 Get on your way to Gnarogrim.
1516 Travel to Northrunt.
1517 Hike to the Black Forest.
1518 Travel to Maerwynn.
1519 Travel to the Planes of Oz'Korr.
1520 Travel to the Rotten Lands.
1550 It is said that there is an underground fountain. This may sound interesting, but actually it's not.
1551 Rumors say that Erik the Shoemaker is held there. As I cannot live without good footwear, this is really important to me.
1552 It is said that everyone who looks around this place dies.
1553 There shall be a big stone leading to an ancient treasure - or was it an ancient stone leading to a big treasure?
1554 Maybe there is something... anything... whatever.
1555 There might be absolutely nothing. Legend says that it's the most boring place in the world.
1556 There should be a magic circle. Whoever finds the circle may keep one of the stones.
1557 The mysterious castle that only appears for one day every 500 years was spotted, yesterday.
1558 It is said that a monster lives there, in a walk-in closet.
1559 People say that there is a demon portal. But nobody knows more, because everybody who's gone there is now dead.
1560 It is said there is a worthless treasure inside a jeweled golden chest. You can keep the treasure, I only want the chest.
1561 Legend says that there lies a magic ring with which you can see the future after it happened!
1562 There must be the poor old man. He owes me a lot of money!
1563 There might be a hidden cave. Anyway, no one really believes this.
1564 There could be a meadow full of magic herbage. But it's probably only weeds.
1565 They have the best wine in these lands.
1566 That is the place where an old elf lost his legs. Maybe they are still there and you can find them.
1567 My spies told me that a goblin placed a huge load of dynamite there that could blow up any minute.
1568 The dwarves have hidden a gem there that is as big as a fist. Or at least the size of a dwarven fist.
1569 I have been told that the legendary Egg of Kadosh is hidden there. It's said to be huge and heavy.
1600 A terrible monster terrorizes the Sprawling Jungle.
1601 A horrible creatures stalks Skull Island.
1602 A new menace looms in Evernight Forest.
1603 A mean creature has been sighted in Stumble Steppe.
1604 Shadowrock Mountain is not safe anymore since a sinister creature showed up.
1605 Split Canyon has become a dangerous place. It is said that an evil creature has taken residency.
1606 The Black Water Swamp, once a popular spa, is now tormented by a dangerous beast.
1607 Flooded Caldwell has a problem which simply does not want to sink to the bottom.
1608 Tusk Mountain needs to be freed from a resident monster.
1609 Moldy Forest is waiting for a hero who wants to go hunting for a mischievous monster.
1610 A dangerous beast is roaming the lands of Nevermoor.
1611 An unwelcome visitor needs to get busted in the Busted Lands.
1612 Erogenion has an enormous monster issue.
1613 Magmaron's monster worries are getting out of hand.
1614 The Sunburn Desert has a new unwelcome resident.
1615 A creature which inhabits Gnarogrim deserves your attention.
1616 The residents of Northrunt are scared by something truly terrible.
1617 Black Forest has always been full of vermin, but the newest addition scares even me.
1618 I used to go on vacation in Maerwynn, but not anymore since this monster started showing up.
1619 The Planes of Oz'Korr have been attacked by an evil creature.
1620 The Rotten Lands are plagued by a remarkably rotten monster.
1650 I need somebody to collect stamps for me.
1651 I need somebody to collect returnable bottles for me.
1652 I collect trash and other old things that might be recyclable.
1653 I collect empty threats, but some are still missing.
1654 I need a few more barrels with resources.
1655 I need gold bars! Doesn't matter what they're made of!
1656 I'm looking for the latest trends. Collect some for me.
1657 I'm looking for the unique Amulet of Kor.
1658 I am looking for potent herbs. I don't care what kind, as long as they're potent!
1659 A friend of mine needs plenty of ore. He wants to be totally oresome.
1660 I need an experienced hero to bring me the secret ingredient. I want to do some cooking and I like surprises.
1661 Somebody must look for new eye patches. I can't find my old ones and patch day is coming soon.
1662 I need sea flowers for a mighty spell. I know that they don't exist, but I need them anyway.
1663 I need the bones of a fallen hero. Someone just like you, only more dead.
1664 You look like someone who can deal with butterflies. Go and fetch me some butterfly wings.
1665 I need a few more corpses for my super-deadly corpse monster.
1666 I want to create a golem and need a bucket full of mud.
1667 I've tried to shoot you with my bow but keep missing. Now I am out of arrows and need new ones.
1668 I want to start a cult and need a few fanatic followers.
1669 My people and I want to rage war, but we need some clever attack plans - go and find some for me.
1700 Go there and slay the beast.
1701 Off you go, and get rid of the beast.
1702 Grab your weapon and do what you are best at.
1703 We need a violent solution here!
1704 Do what must be done. I'll be waiting for your return with milk and cookies.
1705 Turn the beast into a bloody pulp!
1706 It would be totally cool if you could solve this little problem for me.
1707 May I ask you kindly to ensure that no more harm will be done?
1708 I would do this myself, of course, but I... uh, I sprained my ankle.
1709 Only you can save us! Only you are a match for this great evil!
1750 So look around and take notes.
1751 Go there and look at everything.
1752 I want you to take a close look and draw a picture for me.
1753 If the rumors are true, I want everything in writing from you.
1754 I should inspect this personally, but I would feel better if you could do it.
1755 I need someone stupid who will investigate.
1756 Who would be brave enough to go there? The answer might be 'you'!
1757 Find out what's true about these rumors.
1758 Find out whatever you can and return to me.
1759 What do you think? Might be worth a look.
1800 There you will meet a guy with dreadlocks. He will give you the hot merchandise.
1801 There you will find an innocent little girl. Just steal whatever it is you're looking for from her.
1802 You will find it there. Somehow.
1803 There is an old dragon that will help you, unless he decides to kill you first.
1804 Slay monsters long enough until it drops.
1805 There you will meet my contact - she will give you the goods.
1806 You shall find it in the old well (if there is any well at all).
1807 Perform the ancient rain dance and it will fall from the skies.
1808 There you will meet an old monk, who will not be helpful in any way.
1809 This is where my mother lives. Bring her flowers and she may help you.
1810 Unfortunately I'm clueless about any further details.
1811 From this point on you are on your own.
1812 I have hidden it there somewhere. But I am not going to tell you where!
1813 You will search there without finding anything and end up feeling pretty exhausted.
1814 There you will meet a person that will tell you how to get back to me.
2000 I dropped my fruit drops and now I need new ones.
2001 I want you to fetch a new lollipop for me.
2002 I need a large wooden sword. Don't ask me why.
2003 I want the most powerful artifact in the world!
2004 I want this thingy... what's it called... well, you know, that thingy.
2005 I need a fireball, still shrink wrapped in its original box.
2006 I want to learn the forbidden craft of gold farming; go and fetch me a self-help book.
2007 I want to have a gnawed off bone.
2008 I need two pairs of crocodile eyes. So the total is four.
2009 I really need a beta key... bad.
2010 I need deodorant, stick or gel, it doesn't matter.
2011 I want to be a millionaire!
2012 I need something that is beyond your imagination.
2013 I am looking for a holy shield.
2014 I need a magical sword with all sorts of superpowers.
2015 I need a golden suit of armor made out of copper.
2016 I am looking for a stylish cloak that can make me invisible.
2017 I am searching for the meaning of life.
2018 What am I doing here? This game needs a proper plot.
2019 I am looking for a mysterious crystal.
2050 There you must collect at least % before you return.
2051 Head out and collect at least %, then return.
2052 Go there and collect %, then return to me.
2053 Gather at least % and then return to me.
2054 Go out and collect at least %, then return to me.
2055 Gather at least % and then return to me.
2056 Head out and collect at least %, then return to me.
2057 You should find it there. I guess one will be enough, don't you think?
2058 Just bring me as many as you can find.
2059 Don't stop collecting until your backpack is full. Then dump it and start over again.
2060 Fetch me all that you can find there. Then resume collecting in the rest of the world.
2061 Just collect stuff until the quest is finished. And always pay close attention to what the quest is telling you.
2100 Then hurry up, and return as fast as you can. I need my fruit drops!
2101 And make haste, or I won't have anything to lick!
2102 Don't disappoint me! The sword needs to be really big and totally wooden!
2103 And it's no big deal if things don't work out.
2104 Hurry up! You know that I cannot live without it!
2105 Make sure that the fireball is still hot and nicely gift-wrapped...
2106 Just don't tell anyone or you will get us banned in an instant.
2107 The thought of that bone makes my mouth water.
2108 You can keep one of the eyes. Technically speaking I only need three.
2109 And don't you dare go using the key for yourself!
2110 Better be successful or I will keep smelling like this! I just don't have the time to take a bath.
2111 And you will get nothing! Not a single penny!
2112 I could explain to you what this is all about, but the whole thing doesn't make any sense.
2113 I've always wanted such a shield. It's supposed to be cheating, but we won't tell anyone.
2114 The more magic power the better. And if you don't bring me the sword, I'll use it to cast a spell on you!
2115 Just make sure that the armor is gold plated, but not made out of massive gold. It could get heavy.
2116 Once I have the cape I can hide and won't have to pay you. He-he!
2117 Remember everything people tell you on your travels, use your knowledge to found a new religion and come back to evangelize me.
2118 Just don't return before you have plotted something nice.
2119 Just don't look into the crystal or strange things may happen.
2200 Dirty Bat
2201 Bat Out of hell
2202 Dusty Bat
2203 Flesh Golem
2204 Zombie
2205 Undead
2206 Firelog
2207 Frost Demon
2208 Rattling Cobra
2209 Shadow Cobra
2210 Nutty Natter
2211 Spittle Cobra
2212 Polar Bear
2213 Problem Bear
2214 Brown Bear
2215 Infected Brown Bear
2216 Green Rex
2217 Red Rex
2218 Grey Rex
2219 Snow Troll
2220 Night Troll
2221 Mountain Troll
2222 Stone Troll
2223 Grey Vulture
2224 Culture Vulture
2225 Pack Rat
2226 Albino Rat
2227 Sewer Rat
2228 Forest Muncher
2229 Swamp Muncher
2230 Night Ghoul
2231 Grey Ghoul
2232 Swamp Ghoul
2233 Snapping Raptor
2234 Jumping Raptor
2235 Roaring Raptor
2236 Bigfoot
2237 Yeti
2238 Mean Monster Rabbit
2239 Choleric Monster Rabbit
2240 Killer Monster Rabbit
2241 Pink Monster Rabbit
2242 Lunatic Monster Rabbit
2243 Toxic Monster Rabbit
2244 Pirate Dark Beard
2245 Sturdy Swashbuckler
2246 Pirate Blood Nose
2247 Evil Taurus
2248 Sulky Taurus
2249 Total Bull
2250 Stone Giant
2251 Lava Giant
2252 Green Gnoll
2253 Grey Gnoll
2254 Red Gnoll
2255 Giant Spider
2256 Terror Tarantula
2257 Tree Spider
2258 Snow Lion
2259 Tiger
2260 Panther
2261 Mountain Lion
2262 Hell Scorpion
2263 Jungle Scorpion
2264 Shadow Scorpion
2265 Fire Scorpion
2266 Redlight Succubus
2267 Swamp Nymphomaniac
2268 Bride From Hell
2269 Witch
2270 Brown Centaur
2271 Green Centaur
2272 Grey Centaur
2273 Banshee
2274 Biting Mutt
2275 Ice Wolf
2276 Rabid Wolf
2277 Grim Wolf
2278 Mud Blob
2279 Sand Blob
2280 Slime Blob
2281 Lava Blob
2282 Blood-thirsty Vampire
2283 Devious Vampire
2284 Sinister Vampire
2285 Ugly Gremlin
2286 Cruel Gremlin
2287 Greedy Gremlin
2288 Greenish Gremlin
2289 Demoralizing Demon
2290 Terrifying Demon
2291 Abhorrent Demon
2292 Bad Bandit
2293 Rowdy Robber
2294 Thoughtless Thief
2295 Basilisk
2296 Fire Basilisk
2297 Twilight Alien
2298 Hell Alien
2299 Toxic Alien
2300 Dark Rider
2301 Fire Elemental
2302 Gray Gargoyle
2303 Brown Gargoyle
2304 Swamp Crocodile
2305 Frost Alligator
2306 Shadow Alligator
2307 Mud Crocodile
2308 White Gorilla
2309 Forest Gorilla
2310 Mountain Gorilla
2311 Skeleton
2312 Voodoo Skeleton
2313 Voodoo Master
2314 Skeleton Warrior
2315 Skeleton Soldier
2316 Horror of the Night
2317 Swamp Gorgon
2318 Night Gorgon
2319 Baby Elephant
2320 Lion
2321 Wild Boar
2322 Wild Sod
2323 Wind Elemental
2324 Sandstorm
2325 Blowflies
2326 Terror Tree
2327 Toxic Tree
2328 Ghost
2329 Fire Glompf
2330 Water Glompf
2331 Swamp Glompf
2332 Cycling Cyclops
2333 Sand Cyclops
2334 Hell Cyclops
2335 Cave Cyclops
2336 Octopus
2337 Timmy Suprino
2338 Gray Dragon
2339 Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
2340 Cutthroat
2341 Grave Robber
2342 Black Phantom
2343 Unholy Monk
2344 Guy in a cowl
2345 Dragon of Madness
2346 Dragon of Cold
2347 Dragon of Hell
2348 Giant Dragon
2349 Slashing Saurus
2350 Saurus Rogue
2351 Mountain Warrior
2352 Swamp Warrior
2353 The Extraterrestrial
2354 Illegal Alien
2355 Out of State Alien
2356 Little Green Man
2357 Dragon of Darkness
2358 Black Skull Warrior
2359 Toxic Dragon
2360 Swamp Dragon
2361 Beastie
2362 Man-Eater
2363 Killing Machine
2364 Knight of the Black Skull
2365 Lord of Darkness
2366 Terrible Toxic Gremlin
2367 Ghost of the Volcano
2368 Hell Beast
2369 Robber Chief
2370 King Saurus
2371 Pirate Leader
2372 Happy Slappy the Clown
2373 The Blind Knife Thrower
2374 Miniature Gnome
2375 The Bearded Lady
2376 The Psycho Juggler
2377 Siamese Twins
2378 Bronco the Joker
2379 The Snake-man
2380 Madame Mystique
2381 Bozo the Terror Clown
2382 Restless Soul
2383 Furious Soul
2384 Old Soul
2385 Pest
2386 Soul Clump
2387 Scourge
2388 Hellhound
2389 The Fuehrer's Heap
2390 The Devil's Advocate
2391 Beelzeboss
2392 Hobgoblin's boat
2393 Starfish of death
2394 Neon yellow death
2395 Terror from the deep
2396 Beastly brat
2397 King of the dark dwarves
2398 Invisible threat
2399 Biggie the Pimp
2400 The Count
2401 Goblin mage
2402 Djinn
2403 Ninja gnome
2404 Titan
2405 Super-assassin
2406 The Dead Baron
2407 Hydra
2408 Blind Cyclops
2409 Klomann the Barbarian
2410 Cerberus
2411 Zombie Berserker
2412 The thing
2413 Cute kitten
2414 Armored dragon
2415 Butthead
2416 Creatures
2417 Bat hags
2418 Dancing ogre brothers
2419 Ungorth the Merciless
2420 Cow
2421 Horse
2422 Tiger
2423 Griffin Dragon
2424 Pig
2425 Wolf
2426 Raptor
2427 Dragon Griffin
2430 Why walk when you can ride a mighty cow?
2431 A noble steed, quite representable.
2432 No pussycat, but a wild blue tiger.
2433 Everybody will envy your speedy Griffin Dragon.
2434 Well, a pig is marginally better than nothing, I guess...
2435 Even a big, bad wolf can become man's best friend.
2436 A raptor is a dangerous monster from a lost world.
2437 The sight of an imposing Dragon Griffin will intimidate the other would-be heroes.
2440 Race: Human
2441 Race: Elf
2442 Race: Dwarf
2443 Race: Gnome
2444 Race: Orc
2445 Race: Dark Elf
2446 Race: Goblin
2447 Race: Demon
2448 Humans like you and me; known for dependable every-day heroism.
2449 Elves frolic around trees, have pointy ears and are pretty swift.
2450 Behind their gruff exterior, dwarves are sturdy and hard drinking.
2451 Gnomes are small, pesky and have a tedious sense of humor.
2452 Orcs are brutal, violent and always forget about Mother's Day.
2453 Dark elves hate everybody because they are so sleep-deprived.
2454 Goblins are little buggers who are also great scrapbookers.
2455 Demons enjoy fine dining and long walks on the beach.
2456 Class: Warrior
2457 Class: Mage
2458 Class: Scout
2459 Warriors are into heavy metal and carry the biggest weapons.
2460 Mages mumble incomprehensible, but quite destructive spells.
2461 Scouts prefer shooting pointy things from a safe distance.
3000 Old Club
3001 Toy Sword
3002 Flimsy Flail
3003 Spiked Club
3004 Molly's Hatchet
3005 Assassination Dagger
3006 Fight Club
3007 Handy Axe
3008 Kitchen Knife
3009 Beginner's Mace
3010 Double Axe
3011 Ridiculous Rapier
3012 Fine Flail
3013 Silverblade
3014 Longsword
3015 Thunder Thingy
3016 Executioner's Axe
3017 Slice-and-Dicer
3018 Skull Cracker
3019 Hard Hammer
3020 King's Sword
3021 Thorn Blade
3022 Hefty Hammer
3023 Dragonslayer
3024 Cursed Axe
3025 Heroic Sword
3026 Counter-Argument
3027 Deathbringer
3028 Status Symbol
3029 Demonblade
3050 Hole-riddled Plank
3051 Trashcan Lid
3052 Wooden Shield
3053 Iron Shield
3054 Warrior's Shield
3055 Skull Shield
3056 Light Shield
3057 Heroic Shield
3058 Chieftain's Shield
3059 Demon Face
3100 Full Metal Jacket
3101 Steel Plate Armor
3102 Useful Armor
3103 Tournament Armor
3104 Pretentious Armor
3105 Vanity Armor
3106 Plate Armor
3107 Hero's Armor
3108 Warrior's Armor
3109 Victory Armor
3150 Slippers
3151 Rubber Boots
3152 Leather Boots
3153 Plate Boots
3154 Pretentious Boots
3155 Warrior's Boots
3156 Knight's Boots
3157 Chieftain's Boots
3158 Hero's Boots
3159 King's Boots
3200 Grimy Hooves
3201 Old Gloves
3202 New Gloves
3203 Elegant Gloves
3204 Chain Gloves
3205 Warrior's Gloves
3206 Knight's Gloves
3207 Chieftain's Gloves
3208 Heroic Gloves
3209 Dragon Choker
3250 Cooking Pot
3251 Steel Hat with Crank
3252 Helmet and Cap
3253 Steel Bucket
3254 Thorn Helm
3255 Horn Helm
3256 Chaos Helm
3257 Jagged Helm
3258 Grim Mask
3259 Grim Helm
3300 Old Belt
3301 Chain Belt
3302 Stylish Belt
3303 Warrior's Belt
3304 Pretentious Belt
3305 Thorn Belt
3306 Impressive Belt
3307 Designer Belt
3308 Hero's Belt
3309 King's Belt
3350 Magic Tree
3351 Gangster's Necklace
3352 Writer's Necklace
3353 Bunny Amulet
3354 Ego Necklace
3355 Do-it-yourself Amulet
3356 Mushroom Necklace
3357 Stopwatch
3358 Dog Tag
3359 Sailor's Necklace
3360 Gem Amulet
3361 Rune Necklace
3362 Horn of Plenty
3363 Hornshield Necklace
3364 Key Amulet
3365 Granny's Pearl Necklace
3366 Rock Amulet
3367 Voodoo Amulet
3368 Staring Necklace
3369 Shiny Amulet
3370 Rock Amulet
3400 Lucky Knot
3401 Gumball Machine Ring
3402 Tinfoil Ring
3403 Rubber Ducky Ring
3404 Helix Ring
3405 Star Ring
3406 Noble Ring
3407 Ornament Ring
3408 Massive Ring
3409 Rock Ring
3410 Snake Ring
3411 Diamond Ring
3412 Wing Ring
3413 Skull Ring
3414 Sparkling Ring
3415 Swanky Ring
3450 Eye
3451 Dirt
3452 Potted Plant
3453 Half-eaten Sandwich
3454 King's Wig
3455 Fake Mustache
3456 Thimble
3457 Red Herring
3458 Holy Grail
3459 Glossy Magazine
3460 Quality Dung
3461 Stumbling Block
3462 Chicken Wing
3463 Half Sword
3464 Ketchup
3465 Flimsy Something
3466 Mysterious Artifact
3467 Silver Spoon
3468 Nail Clipper
3469 Gordian Bra
3470 Crumpled Paper
3471 Funny Nose
3472 Band-Aid
3473 Plunger
3474 Cool Glasses
3475 Icky Cotton Bud
3476 Dick's Skull
3477 Marvin's Skull
3478 Oscar's Skull
3479 Pacifier
3480 Bolt
3481 Useless Stick
3482 Razor Blade
3483 Bruno
3484 Triangle
3485 Cubes
3486 Wisdom Tooth
3500 Walking Stick
3501 Zaza's Magic Wand
3502 Crystal Staff
3503 Root of All Evil
3504 Water Staff
3505 Fire Staff
3506 Voodoo Staff
3507 Astral Staff
3508 Evil Finger
3509 Soul Eater
3600 Pajama
3601 Smock
3602 Adept's Robe
3603 Shirt
3604 Stylish Shirt
3605 Journeyman's Robe
3606 Assistant's Robe
3607 Master's Robe
3608 Grandmaster's Robe
3609 Uber Robe
3650 Sandals
3651 Slippers
3652 Leggings
3653 Fool's Footwear
3654 Adept's Boots
3655 Journeyman's Boots
3656 Assistant's Boots
3657 Master's Boots
3658 Grandmaster's Shoes
3659 Grandmaster's Boots
3700 Disposable Gloves
3701 Cloth Gloves
3702 Leather Gloves
3703 Adept's Gloves
3704 Gorgeous Gloves
3705 Adept's Gloves
3706 Journeyman's Gloves
3707 Assistant's Gloves
3708 Master's Gloves
3709 Grandmaster's Gloves
3750 Bonnet
3751 Hood
3752 Hat
3753 Antenna Hat
3754 Adept's Hat
3755 Journeyman's Hat
3756 Assistant's Hat
3757 Master's Hat
3758 Grandmaster's Hat
3759 Grandmaster's Cap
3800 Cord
3801 Cloth Belt
3802 Leather Belt
3803 Adept's Belt
3804 Ornate Belt
3805 Gorgeous Belt
3806 Journeyman's Belt
3807 Assistant's Belt
3808 Master's Belt
3809 Grandmaster's Belt
3850 Slingshot
3851 Toy Bow
3852 Short Bow
3853 Crossbow
3854 Longbow
3855 Hunter Bow
3856 War Bow
3857 William's Crossbow
3858 Precision Bow
3859 Poison Spreader
3950 Rags
3951 Cheap Vest
3952 Cute Vest
3953 Hunter Jacket
3954 Serious Armor
3955 Outdoor Jacket
3956 Stylish Armor
3957 Pretentious Armor
3958 Designer Armor
3959 Hero's Armor
4000 Slippers
4001 Smelly Boots
4002 Hooves
4003 Solid Shoes
4004 Decent Boots
4005 Nice Boots
4006 Premium Boots
4007 Designer Boots
4008 Glory Boots
4009 Hero's Boots
4050 Wristband
4051 Cloth Gloves
4052 Comfy Gloves
4053 Fur Gloves
4054 Leather Gloves
4055 Hunting Gloves
4056 Reinforced Gloves
4057 Archer's Gloves
4058 Armored Gloves
4059 Glory Gloves
4100 Piece of Cloth with a Ribbon
4101 Primitive Hood
4102 Light Cap
4103 Horned Cap
4104 Neat Cap
4105 Neat Helmet
4106 Imposing Helmet
4107 Armored Helmet
4108 Superior Helm
4109 Hero's Helmet
4150 Patched Belt
4151 Simple Belt
4152 Modest Belt
4153 Thorn Belt
4154 Decent Belt
4155 Quality Belt
4156 Designer Belt
4157 Chieftain's Belt
4158 Superior Belt
4159 Hero's Belt
4215 This enemy was not worth your time. The battle was a cakewalk; anything but heroic.
4216 Even though he does not stand a chance, your enemy gives everything he's got. Unfortunately it doesn't help him at all.
4217 This was not a challenge by any means. A hero like you should be able to find more powerful enemies somewhere.
4218 You've simply devastated your opponent. That was fun, but you should try beating up somebody in your weight class instead.
4219 The subdued applause of the spectators might be an indication that your victory came very easily.
4220 The crowd goes wild as you finish your opponent with a solid pounding.
4221 You have done what you are best at. Your opponent will remember this fight for weeks - if he ever regains consciousness...
4222 Your opponent is cowering in a corner of the arena. But can he count on your mercy?
4223 You taught your opponent an important lesson. It's doubtful whether this will do him any good, given the state he's in now.
4224 What a battle! You deserved to win! The crowd went wild as you executed your patented finishing move.
4225 You emerge from this spectacular battle a little roughed up but victorious in the end.
4226 Itâs a close and clean fight, but you eventually win. The crowd goes wild after witnessing this spectacle.
4227 Life is hard - and so are you. Your opponent did everything he could, but tried and failed.
4228 Much blood has been spilled, but in the end, it's only the result that counts - a close but well-deserved victory.
4229 Two evenly matched combatants; one of them proved to be better by an ounce - you!
4230 It was a miracle that you were able to win this fight - either that or your dominating prowess!
4231 A last-minute victory; your enemy finally falls to the ground... and you collapse on top of him.
4232 You somehow stole this victory from your opponent - but a win is a win.
4233 You return to consciousness after a little while and notice your opponent still lying on the ground. Seems like you won somehow.
4234 You lucky devil! Somehow you've managed to decide this hard and relentless fight in your favor.
4235 The last things that you can remember are the immense pain and your opponent's scornful laughter.
4236 A short battle that proves only one thing: You shouldn't pick fights with guys who are way above your weight class.
4237 Something tells you that participating in this duel was not exactly the smartest idea of the day.
4238 This was an 'epic fail' against a superior opponent. Maybe you can take your frustration out on some low level players...
4239 It seemed like you had no reasonable chance but stepped up anyway. You were so brave, so fearless... until the fight actually started.
4240 After he thrashed you so thoroughly, your opponent now has justified bragging rights.
4241 You showed your opponent impressively who the better fighter is - him! You have the feeling that you lost more than just the battle.
4242 You showed your opponent impressively who is the better fighter: him!
4243 While you collect your teeth from the ground, you have the sensation that you are not the reason for the erupting crowd cheer.
4244 You fought fair and square... maybe that's why you lost?
4245 Besides remarkable combat skills, your opponent was also blessed with a fair amount of luck.
4246 Your opponent won the fight. All you can do now is to keep a stiff upper lip.
4247 A close loss, but unfortunately the outcome of the battle was not in your favor. You vow revenge!
4248 You are under the impression that your opponent is cheating somehow. While you consider this thought, you get thoroughly beaten up.
4249 Your opponent had plenty of luck. It will be a different game the next time the two of you meet in the arena.
4250 With the last of his strength, your enemy somehow manages to stage a comeback and emerges victorious from this close battle.
4251 You've already had your opponent on the ground, but with a last effort, he rises again and charges at you... with painful results.
4252 Your opponent is almost as finished as you are... but only 'almost'.
4253 Nobody saw it coming: You've somehow lost this fight in the final seconds.
4254 The crowd holds its breath during the final seconds of this battle... and your opponent ends up stealing the victory.
4300 You were so under-challenged that you start wondering whether you should ever enter such an easy duel again.
4301 You effortlessly beat up your opponent and enjoy your winnings.
4302 You have finished your opponent with brute force and calmly collect your reward.
4303 It's fights like these that give some people the impression that the career path of a hero is a piece of cake.
4304 While pummeling your enemy with your left hand, you politely cover your mouth with the right one while you are yawning.
4305 You finish your opponent as requested, and can now reap the benefits of your job.
4306 Business before pleasure - after a poised victory, it's time to collect your reward.
4307 You have done the dirty deed to everyone's satisfaction. Now it's time for your payment.
4308 You've caused quite a messy bloodbath - but that's just part of the job.
4309 This hard-fought victory will confirm your reputation as an unfailing fighter.
4310 You have somehow muddled through this tough fight. This is what your reward looks like.
4311 This opponent put up a good fight, that's for sure, but youâve managed to win cleanly.
4312 A hard fight lies behind you... as does the body of your opponent, who hopefully has good medical coverage.
4313 A combatant's life is no walk in the park. After you are done with him, your opponent won't be able to walk at all for some time to come.
4314 A hard-fought battle, and one lucky, if slightly roughed up, winner - you!
4315 You have to tell everybody about this fight! Just leave out the unimportant detail that you barely survived it.
4316 You thought you were finished, but it somehow worked out in the end - and you are able to collect a nice reward.
4317 Who cares whether it was because of dumb luck or your combat proficiency - all that matters is what you've somehow managed to win.
4318 You've pulled it off somehow. But you should think twice before you accept another suicide mission like this one.
4319 You fought heroically till your last breath - which lasted a tiny little bit longer than your opponent's.
4320 You have so totally lost. Everybody is making fun of you now.
4321 This opponent was way out of your league.
4322 Do you want to see what a loser looks like? Just stand in front of a mirror.
4323 Maybe next time you should bring a weapon. Fighting back, instead of just cowering in a corner, wouldn't hurt either.
4324 If your fighting had been as intense as your crying, the outcome might have been different.
4325 Better not tell anyone about this mess. How awkward!
4326 A complete waste of effort. A total failure. You get the picture...
4327 See, at least you've tried. But with this kind of effort you shouldn't even be dreaming about winning.
4328 Makes you wonder why your opponent had to yawn before he dismantled you in record time.
4329 Had you fought even worse, your enemies might possibly have died from laughter.
4330 It was a close battle but unfortunately you could not win. Might be time to upgrade your equipment?
4331 Would it have made a difference if you had actually showed up for training? Or at least dropped by Shakes' weapon shop for an equipment upgrade.
4332 Your effort is commendable, but the result is laughable - you've received a sound spanking.
4333 Close, but no cigar. And no money, no honor, no nothing. Better luck next time.
4334 Hard training and better equipment might have made a difference. But the way it is, there's only one word left to say: LOSER!
4335 The outcome of the battle was unpredictable up until the end. Unfortunately it turned out to be the opposite of what you had hoped for.
4336 It's hard to believe that your opponent could have so much luck... but you better believe it.
4337 At the very last second, your opponent is successful with a desperate attack and lands the deciding hit.
4338 Theoretically, you could have won this battle. Practically, things look rather different... and unpleasant.
4339 You put up quite a fight, but in the end, you were outmatched by the toughness and endurance of your opponent.
4400 Guild has be disbanded!
4401 Guild has been deleted!
4402 You have been kicked from the guild!
4403 You have been kicked from the guild!
4404 Guild invitation
4405 The leader %1 of the guild %2 has deleted the guild.
4406 The administrator has deleted the guild %2.
4407 The guild leader %1 has kicked you from the guild %2.
4408 You have been deleted from the guild %2 by an administrator.
4409 The guild leader %1 has invited you to join the guild %2. To do so, click the join button. If you are already a member of another guild you must leave your old guild first.
4410 You have been attacked!
4411 You have been attacked by %1 and you have %8.##You had %3 hit points and your opponent %4 when combat started.#After %7 Round%9 you had %5 life and your opponent %6.##Honor %13: %10#Gold %13: %11#Silver %13: %12##Click on the button "Show combat" to view the fight.
4500 Fortress
4501 Treasure
4502 Instructor
4510 Member limit:
4511 Gold bonus:
4512 Experience bonus:
4520 Travel duration - 10%
4521 Travel duration - 20%
4522 Travel duration - 30%
4523 Travel duration - 50% | +
4524 Travel duration - 10%
4525 Travel duration - 20%
4526 Travel duration - 30%
4527 Travel duration - 50% | +
4530 Strength is the main attribute of warriors.
4531 Dexterity is the main attribute of scouts.
4532 Intelligence is the main attribute of mages.
4533 Constitution increases your hit points.
4534 Luck determines the critical hit chance.
4535 Strength helps you to fight warriors.
4536 Dexterity helps you to fight scouts.
4537 Intelligence helps you to fight mages.
4540 Increases the amount of damage you inflict.
4541 Increases the amount of damage you inflict.
4542 Increases the amount of damage you inflict.
4543 Leader
4544 Officer
4545 Member
4546 Invited
4601 of the Weakling
4602 of the Dolt
4603 of Penetration
4604 of the Clueless
4605 of Quick Temper
4606 of the Meek
4607 of Ferocity
4608 of the Overweight
4609 of the Triathlete
4610 of the Tinkerer
4611 of the Entrepreneur
4612 of Wisdom
4613 of Martial Arts
4614 of Innovation
4616 of the Unlucky
4617 of the Thief
4618 of the Betrayer
4619 of the Talented
4620 of the Ascetic
4621 of Flexibility
4622 of Crafting
4624 of the Blessed
4625 of Senseless Violence
4626 of Entanglement
4628 of the Hermit
4632 of Whatever
4651 of the Punk
4652 of the Restless
4653 of Penetration
4654 of the Clueless
4655 of Quick Temper
4656 of the Meek
4657 of Ferocity
4658 of Chubbiness
4659 of the Triathlete
4660 of the Tinkerer
4661 of the Entrepreneur
4662 of Wisdom
4663 of Martial Arts
4664 of Innovation
4666 of the Loser
4667 of the Thief
4668 of the Betrayer
4669 of the Talented
4670 of the Ascetic
4671 of Flexibility
4672 of Crafting
4674 of the Blessed
4675 of Senseless Violence
4676 of Entanglement
4678 of the Hermit
4682 of Whatever
4701 of Brutality
4702 of Improvisation
4703 of Penetration
4704 of the Know-It-All
4705 of Quick Temper
4706 of the Meek
4707 of Ferocity
4708 of the Nordic Walker
4709 of the Triathlete
4710 of the Tinkerer
4711 of the Entrepreneur
4712 of Wisdom
4713 of Martial Arts
4714 of Innovation
4716 of Superstition
4717 of the Thief
4718 of the Betrayer
4719 of the Talented
4720 of the Ascetic
4721 of Flexibility
4722 of Crafting
4724 of the Blessed
4725 of Senseless Violence
4726 of Entanglement
4728 of the Hermit
4732 of Whatever
4751 of Overkill
4752 of the Meek
4753 of Penetration
4754 of the Sorcerer's Apprentice
4755 of Quick Temper
4756 of the Meek
4757 of Ferocity
4758 of the Half-Marathon Runner
4759 of the Triathlete
4760 of the Tinkerer
4761 of the Entrepreneur
4762 of Wisdom
4763 of Martial Arts
4764 of Innovation
4766 of the Winner
4767 of the Thief
4768 of the Betrayer
4769 of the Talented
4770 of the Ascetic
4771 of Flexibility
4772 of Crafting
4774 of the Blessed
4775 of Senseless Violence
4776 of Entanglement
4778 of the Hermit
4782 of Whatever
4801 of Intensity
4802 of the Mugger
4803 of Penetration
4804 of the Wise Guy
4805 of Quick Temper
4806 of the Meek
4807 of Ferocity
4808 of the Marathon Runner
4809 of the Triathlete
4810 of the Tinkerer
4811 of the Entrepreneur
4812 of Wisdom
4813 of Martial Arts
4814 of Innovation
4816 of Lady Luck
4817 of the Thief
4818 of the Betrayer
4819 of the Talented
4820 of the Ascetic
4821 of Flexibility
4822 of Crafting
4824 of the Blessed
4825 of Senseless Violence
4826 of Entanglement
4828 of the Hermit
4832 of Whatever
4851 of Epic Superpowers
4852 of the Gambler
4853 of Penetration
4854 of the Know-It-All
4855 of Quick Temper
4856 of the Meek
4857 of Ferocity
4858 of the Thick Skin
4859 of the Triathlete
4860 of the Tinkerer
4861 of the Entrepreneur
4862 of Wisdom
4863 of Martial Arts
4864 of Innovation
4866 of the Lucky Devil
4867 of the Thief
4868 of the Betrayer
4869 of the Talented
4870 of the Ascetic
4871 of Flexibility
4872 of Crafting
4874 of the Blessed
4875 of Senseless Violence
4876 of Entanglement
4878 of the Hermit
4882 of Whatever
5000 Immediately upon entering the dusty vault, you are met by a spooky creature. A wailing ghost is trying fiercely to scare you away.
5001 You look around and notice spiders and rats crawling though the piles of bones on the ground. Suddenly, one of the piles begins to move and turns into a fearsome skeleton.
5002 You have already noticed that the buried corpses aren't as dead as they are supposed to be, so you are not overly surprised as an ugly zombie blocks your way.
5003 You hear something fluttering in the distance. Is it a tiny moth or perhaps a bat? As it comes closer you realize that the creature ahead is something much bigger - a devious vampire!
5004 A terrifying roar is shaking the catacombs - and gives you the shivers. Bravely you venture on and confront the night ghoul that is blocking your way.
5005 Heart-wrenching cries can be heard in the vault. It is the mourning wail from a banshee that announces your impending demise. Time to prove her wrong...
5006 You see an old gate, guarded by a skeleton warrior. You consider talking your way through it with your superior diplomacy skills, but get attacked straight away. Oh well...
5007 You pass through the gate and enter a large corridor, where you notice mysterious runes on the wall. Before you can investigate them any further, a voodoo master attacks you.
5008 Suddenly a gate closes behind you. You are trapped... and not alone: You share your prison with a ghastly flesh golem who has been waiting for someone to play with for a very long time.
5009 Finally you enter the main crypt. You feel a cold wind that almost extinguishes all the torches. You hear malicious laughter... a true master of evil is waiting for you.
5010 A pair of yellow eyes watches you from a narrow side tunnel. They belong to a hungry water glompf that wants you for lunch.
5011 You draw your weapon as you hear a deep growl right behind you. You turn around slowly and see the gigantic yeti that is just about to strike you...
5012 The tunnel splits in two directions. The sound of rattling bones can be heard from the dark tunnel to the left. The right tunnel is brightly lit and seems reasonably safe. You decide to go to the left, of course.
5013 You keep going, but suddenly something small jumps at your neck and starts to bite. You manage to shake it off - it's a gremlin, ready to strike again!
5014 Looks like a dead end - the tunnel has probably collapsed. But something is not right here. Suddenly the rocks are moving and a giant creature forms in front of you.
5015 The tunnel makes another turn; something unusually bright seems to be ahead. Maybe the exit? Or a pot of shiny gold pieces? But the light source turns out to be a fire elemental...
5016 You enter a cavern inhabited by a grim stone troll. He seems to be genuinely happy about your company - it's been way too long since he killed his last houseguest.
5017 Hysterical laughter echoes through the cavern. Red light emanates from a shaft in front of you. Suddenly a furious Succubus starts whirling around and attacks you.
5018 The maniacal laughter that suddenly erupts from behind you can only mean one thing: A hideous demon is challenging you to a fight.
5019 The ground is starting to shake, rocks are falling from the ceiling. There's a fissure in the ground and it's getting really hot in here. A creature from hell climbs out of the smoking chasm...
5020 These ruins could use a good cleaning. When was the last time someone vacuumed this place? There are bugs and vermin everywhere. A big ugly rat is chasing you.
5021 A dust bat attacks without the least bit of consideration for your dust allergy. Coughing and sniffing, you draw your weapon to exterminate the beast.
5022 You enter a great hall full of spider webs. You have never seen so many webs... not to mention such big ones. The giant tarantula that was waiting on the ceiling drops down to welcome you...
5023 A rowdy robber guards the next corridor. He uses his dangerous looking knife skillfully to slice a defenseless apple... then sets his sights on you.
5024 A scoundrel attacks you with a valuable sword that is probably stolen. With a greedy look, he examines your equipment... oh no, not your shoes!
5025 It seems that the squatters are keeping wild wolves to guard the ruins. Wishing they had chosen Chihuahuas instead, you get ready for battle...
5026 All of a sudden itâs suspiciously quiet. Awaiting another ambush, you sneak around carefully. Unexpectedly there are steps behind you â a bad bandit is trying hard to knife you.
5027 A convenient signpost leads you directly into the treasure chamber, but a chained creature guards it. The creature breaks free and charges as you enter...
5028 Where there is treasure, there are treasure hunters. Somebody else has already cleared the chamber. A grave robber, who is not too pleased to make your acquaintance, is now residing here.
5029 You see a wooden door and open it. It leads to the private chambers of the robber chief. All previous opponents seem like small fry compared to this senior criminal.
5030 Upon entering the Cutthroat Grotto, you wonder if thereâs something in the wind. Itâs a bit breezy indeed... maybe the attacking wind elemental has something to do with it?
5031 An old sea dog introduces himself as pirate Dark Beard and waves his sword around. You are feverishly trying to figure out what his name might refer to.
5032 A hero like you must have collected enormous amounts of gold for all your questing. At least that's what this mugger is thinking... and now he wants his share.
5033 There is something floating in the water, probably a large tree trunk. As you move closer, the 'trunk' snaps at you... It turns out to be a hungry shadow alligator.
5034 A sturdy swashbuckler wants to bar you from entering an old ship that is docked here. Fearlessly you start a fight with the pirate... and his parrot!
5035 A mysterious creature dashes across the deck. When you finally get a good look at it, you stare in the mad eyes of a deranged monster rabbit. It is holding a knife that looks uncomfortably sharp!
5036 You are on your way below deck when you are startled by a strange noise from the cargo area. The attacking cutthroat obviously wants to live up to his name.
5037 Pirate Blood Nose is hiding behind a crate in the cargo area. He is begging for mercy but you don't fall for his tricks and attack him immediately.
5038 Suddenly thereâs a big crash; several planks are bursting and seawater is flooding the cargo area. A gigantic octopus is destroying the ship â and eyeing you as a welcome snack.
5039 As the ship is slowly sinking, you meet the mutated pirate captain on the main deck. He is blaming the damage on you, and asks about your insurance coverage.
5040 The rattling sound of a cobra leads you into catacombs below the altar. In the ancient culture, snakes like this are regarded as holy animals. In todayâs culture, they are regarded as bloody dangerous.
5041 A green reptile blocks your way. If you had paid more attention in school, you would recognize it as a slashing saurus. Fun fact: Its task is to protect sacred altars from intruders such as yourself.
5042 Neither peace nor quiet can be found here. The roaring raptor lives up to its name. You grab your earplugs first, then your weapon, to bring silence to this sacred place.
5043 A giant baptismal font is set in the middle of the room. It is filled with mud that reeks of death and decay. Suddenly a newly baptized Swamp Warrior jumps out of the mud and tries to convince you of his belief... that intruders must die!
5044 A giant Rex guards next location. It is sleeping peacefully and you are trying your best to sneak around it... until you trip over an empty soda can and awaken the beast. Littering is really a nuisance.
5045 In the ancient culture it was the custom to let intruders die a slow, horrible death. The saurus rogue that you encounter here is a traditionalist and very attached to the old ways.
5046 The swamp dragon supposed to be locked away safely in a cage. Unfortunately, someone forgot about the âlocking upâ part. Well, youâve always wanted to be a dragon tamer, havenât you?
5047 This next area is flooded with foul-smelling, muddy water. All of a sudden a shrieking gorgon appears from the deep. You avert your gaze and feel for your weapon.
5048 The throne room must be behind this ancient gate. A giant toxic dragon - who is looking forward to ending your life in the most painful way - stands in front of it.
5049 King Saurus is not that happy to see you. Privacy is really important to him, and he doesnât want his ancient temple to become a tourist attraction. What else is he supposed to do but attack you?
5050 The plague that has befallen the tree turns the entrance into a death trap. Youâll have to do some trimming and pruning before you can walk in.
5051 A gremlin has made himself comfortable in a puddle of green ooze. Displeased about the disturbance, he jumps at you. Better kill him quickly before you get infected!
5052 Mutated variations of the plague have befallen other creatures that came too close to the tree. The wolf that snarls at you seems to have some sort of rabies.
5053 The green ooze from the tree turns out to be the perfect environment for the Blob species, so it comes as little surprise that a slimy blob starts wobbling towards you. Yuck!
5054 It would have been easy to overlook the greenish gremlin that is lurking in the ooze. You spot him just in time for his attack and start to fight for your life.
5055 You see something furry from a distance. A brown bear? What is this fellow doing in here? He is affected by the plague and charges at you with a mighty roar.
5056 A gremlin is hiding in a dark corner. After a long diet, he is looking for his next substantial meal. The rumbling of his stomach warns you just in time.
5057 If only the flowers in your front yard would grow as impressively as this member of the Muncher family. Unfortunately the plant blocks your access to the heart of the tree. Time for a little gardening...
5058 Looks like another gremlin attack. What have you done in your former life to deserve this? Slightly annoyed, you prepare for battle.
5059 The terrible toxic gremlin is the deadliest mutation ever. He snarls as you approach his hideout. The root of all evil must die...
5060 A fire scorpion is sitting on the warm rock formation. It has been itching to inject its surprisingly deadly poison into the bloodstream of another foolish tourist.
5061 As you approach the entrance to the underworld, something emerges from the smoke clouds above the lava ponds. This must be the fire basilisk you have been reading so much about.
5062 You are just entering the underworld when something emerges from a lava pond. Is it a lava lamp? No, simply an annoying lava blob... might as well fight it.
5063 You enter the cavern where the lava stream is supposed to be located. But first you'll have to deal with another issue: A creature forms from a pile of steaming rocks... could it be a lava giant?
5064 The floor of the chamber youâve just entered is covered with ashes. A dragon of darkness waits in the middle. Oh, and the ashes are all that remains from other adventurers who tried to defeat him...
5065 A cyclops scuffles in your direction. He looks cute in his janitor uniform. Underworld management has assigned him to cleaning and maintenance tasks. But he's also pretty good at killing unwelcome visitors.
5066 You jump back from the flames that burst through the giant crack in the floor that you were just about to cross. They belong to the fire elemental that is about to attack.
5067 You examine a suspicious pile of lava rocks carefully. Could it be a lava giant? No, it isn't. Whew! But a real lava giant is standing right behind you. Boo!
5068 Finally you enter the area through which the magma stream is flowing. You are getting closer to its source... and to the giant dragon that is guarding the passageway.
5069 You are at the source of the magma stream! Just as you are about to equip your oven mitts in order to switch it off, the ghost of the volcano rises with a rumbling growl.
5070 The cold wind whips in your face as you climb up the icy path to the temple. You see something big and furry heading your way. Could this be a fearsome yeti?
5071 You become aware of a hooded figure that has been stalking you, hidden in the shadows of the temple walls. Who is this dark phantom and what does he want from you? You should challenge him to a duel!
5072 Shivering from the cold, you are still searching for the temple entrance when a giant dragon swoops down on you. With almost frozen fingers, you reach for your weapon.
5073 You make it through the entrance gate and notice a gloomy figure in a cowl. Instead of a warm welcome, you receive cold blows from the fists of an aggressive monk.
5074 It is really quiet in the temple - too quiet. As you look upwards, you notice an alien from hell dangling from the ceiling. Without further notice, it comes rushing down to attack you.
5075 Suddenly a door opens and bright light streams into the temple. You are blinded for a moment and hardly able to make out what's coming through the door... a creature with a really big head.
5076 What a beauty: The dragon of madness has really flourished in the cold surroundings. He is standing right in front of you with a belligerent twinkle in his eyes.
5077 Something is moving in the twilight - a monstrosity from another world! You have the odd feeling that reciting some dialogue from E.T. is not going to solve this conflict.
5078 Suddenly a chirping sound - the language of the extraterrestrials! Another one of those aliens must be nearby... and you are probably already in the sights of its superior weapon technology.
5079 The horror that takes hold of you as you encounter this bizarre death machine is beyond words. Its sole purpose is to kill and destroy in an impressive multitude of creative ways.
5080 What's that, a cave cyclops? How did he get here? Something must be wrong. You should just beat him up quickly and keep on exploring this strange place.
5081 It has been calm and windless, but all of a sudden a sand storm blows up. Slightly irritated about the reliability of the local forecast, you are trying to deal with this weather situation.
5082 Finally you reach the pyramid. An alien is sitting at its foot. It is scratching its head and enjoying the warm sun. But its relaxed posture changes quickly as soon as it spots you.
5083 During your ascent on the pyramid stairs, you come across the yeti. It is throwing a bone down the stairs, thrilled by the effects of gravity. How much more fun would it be playing this little game with you?
5084 You are pretty certain that the sight of a ghost must be a hallucination. You clear your mind, you focus... and the ghost is still there. Itâs coming right at you, not afraid to use physical force.
5085 Meet underworld boss Timmy Suprino, infamous for his pyramid schemes. He wants to make an offer you can't refuse. You draw your weapon and start negotiating...
5086 A terrible demon appears at the top of the pyramid and comes charging towards you. It is muttering to itself while madly swinging an axe.
5087 You try to keep your mind shielded from the influence of the pyramid, but all you can think of now are rabbits... pink rabbits. Murderous pink rabbits with sharp knives. Unfortunately, this little fellow seems to be real.
5088 You are close to the top of the pyramid as a banshee appears. With much wailing, she predicts the destruction of your mind. Violence seems to be the best way to avoid such an unpleasant fate.
5089 On top of the pyramid you find... a mirror? Suddenly your mirror image steps out of it and attacks you. The situation is getting a little bit crazy. Are you able to defeat yourself?
5090 A dark rider steps in your way and demands that you turn back. As you ignore his order, he draws his sword to teach you some discipline. And kill you, of course.
5091 A skeleton warrior is guarding the entrance to the black skull fortress. You try to bribe him with a fruit basket, but unfortunately he is allergic to mangoes. A good enough reason for a fight...
5092 By cutting the drawbridge chain you gain access to the fortress. You do your best to sneak in without causing a commotion. But as soon as you enter the courtyard, a black skull warrior spots you.
5093 From out of a dark corner a bad-tempered night troll tries to crack your skull with a blunt object. Fortunately, he misses. Unfortunately, he's getting ready for another swing...
5094 All of a sudden a grate is opened. The dangerous beast that was kept captive behind it is now enjoying its newfound freedom. The dark shadow that is stalking you turns out to be a hungry panther.
5095 You've barely managed to slay the beast, but someone seems to be watching you. The owner of the panther is not pleased with what you did to his pet kitty and wants to have a word.
5096 You enter the great hall... but it turns into a trap, as the door is closed shut behind you. Ahead awaits a dragon that seems to be pretty swamped with all the killing of foolish adventurers.
5097 As you try to enter the main tower, a black skull warrior blocks your way. Something really significant must be hidden there, considering how desperately he wants to stop your progress.
5098 A gigantic dragon of darkness inhabits the main tower. Due to his enormous size, he hasn't been able to leave the tower for many years. It's no wonder heâs so crabby...
5099 Looking through a tower window, you notice a dark powerful figure waiting just in bailey. It is the Knight of the Black Skull himself who is challenging you to the final duel.
5100 Sorely marked by the stress and strain of the adventures you have suffered, you think back to your carefree childhood. Suddenly, your face brightens as cheerful music sounds from the distance. The circus is in town!
5101 The clown was certainly no laughing matter. But somehow, the next attraction leaves you feeling even worse. A figure armed with sharp knives threatens to demonstrate his questionable skills - incoming!
5102 Escaping the knife thrower's blades by the skin of your teeth, you almost stepped on the next star in the arena. Isn't he cute! But there's something about that belligerent look you really don't like...
5103 You've seen a lot of strange and terrible things on your journeys. You're accustomed to the sight of the vilest, snarling monsters. You laugh in the face of danger. But this sight leaves you speechless.
5104 Oh, a juggler is up next! Look at what all he can do! The question is, can you do it, too? Here! Give it a try!
5105 The two guys you're facing now have lived closely together ever since their very complicated birth. The brothers don't particularly like each other, but they've learned to let out their aggressions on others.
5106 Next up is the clown, who frightens not only children, but adults, too! Along with animals, plants, death, and the devil. Let's have a round of applause for Bronco the Joker, the man with the hardest hitting gags and the most brutal punchlines, all way below the belt.
5107 Sometimes, you have to bend a little to get ahead in life. Your next opponent has perfected this art. With his bizarre contortions, he can attack you from four sides at once.
5108 The crystal ball never lies, the hunchbacked old woman is sure of that. And for you, the future holds nothing but death and destruction. You cannot escape your fate. All you can do is fight to the bitter end.
5109 Doesn't he look funny? Sure, his laugh has something diabolical about it, and the balloons he's carrying have been seen in connection with several unsolved murders. But there's no zanier way to die an agonizing death.
5110 So, you think you've beaten Death and the Devil? Think again. Beelzeboss will be glad to accept your challenge. With a dull rumble, the door to the underworld opens, and a restless soul rises to bid you welcome.
5111 You probably don't remember every single enemy you've sent to the great beyond on your journeys. But they all remember you. And some of them are still really ticked off.
5112 While he was alive, he was a burden to everyone, thanks to his constant nagging and complaining. Nothing has changed. Except for the force of his flyswatter.
5113 What happens when an annoying little boy is eaten by a werewolf? You're about to find out.
5114 Now the rest of the lost souls have got wind of your arrival. They can hardly wait to give you a proper reception.
5115 Hell has specialized workers to make sure it is truly hellish for the inmates. Often, the bosses of game developer studios are lured by specially trained headhunters. This one was particularly successful.
5116 Oooh, how sweet! Does he bite? - Of course!
5117 A disgusting, stinking pile rises up in front of you. It grows to an alarming size, fed by an addled mass of souls and an endless stream of verbal diarrhea. Can you stop the baleful mustached one?
5118 He'll help any guilty party get what they're after. If the price is right, he always finds a way. Scruples, a conscience, even a soul? Unprofessional! You want your just dues? You have to pay!
5119 There he is, Beelzeboss. Death and the Devil rolled into one. The dark lord of the underworld. Hmmm... I expected him to be taller.
5120 You have embarked on the dangerous journey to the 13th floor to complain about the dungeonâs low difficulty level. The elevator door slowly opens and a small, nasty beast jumps out at you from the darkness.
5121 After getting torn up by the Hellgoreâs claws, youâre visibly cheered by the appearance of a good fairy. Sheâs bound come to your aid! But wait a minute - that isnât the kind of fairy that makes wishes come true...
5122 You heard a sound from one of the devastated office spaces. You cautiously take a peek... itâs probably nothing... but suddenly Jet the Panty Raider jumps out at you. Heâs trying to get in your face - if not more!
5123 Even during the last battle you felt that someone was watching you the entire time. Suddenly the dreaded Clapper van Hellsing appears, and for some reason heâs armed with a paint brush. With red paint. Or something that looks just like it.
5124 You decide to contact community support about your complaint and wind up with the KOma KOmmander, who is all too happy to take care of you personally.
5125 Behind a massive desk inside an enormous office sits a sinister character, counting money that could have been invested in more difficult dungeons. Would have been. Should have been!
5126 Youâre suddenly startled by the sound of breaking glass. Someone tossed a TV with the words âCaution, vicious marketeerâ through the officeâs glass door...
5127 Finally, someone has time for you! The CEO himself is willing to grant you an audience. You just have to sign this one little document. In blood.
5128 You refused to sign a perfectly harmless standard sales slip for your soul. One person in particular isnât too pleased about that: Motu with the Club loves playersâ souls.
5129 Finally, youâre approached by a charismatic representative who is ready to compromise. Yes, weâll adjust the difficulty level. Letâs seal it with a hammer... uh... handshake.
5500 Dirty Flap
5501 Fatal Flap
5502 Dusty Flap
5503 Meaty Problems
5504 Undead Problems
5505 Why Is He Still Wandering?
5506 The Firelog
5507 Geez, It's Cold In Here
5508 Rattling Danger
5509 Shadow Of The Cobra
5510 The Nutty Natter
5511 The Spittle Cobra
5512 The Polar Bear
5513 The Problem Bear
5514 The Grizzly Bear
5515 The Toxic Bear
5516 The Return Of Rex
5517 The Return Of Rex
5518 Everlasting Terror
5519 A Troll In The Snow
5520 A Troll And His Shadow
5521 Me Troll, You Dead!
5522 Evil Troll
5523 The Vultures Are Circling
5524 Carry On, Carrion
5525 Rotten Rats
5526 The Albino Rat
5527 The Smelly Rat
5528 Green And Mean
5529 It Slimed Me!
5530 A Furious Journeyman
5531 A Smelly Journeyman
5532 A Stinky Journeyman
5533 Extinct? Not Exactly...
5534 Extinct? Not Exactly...
5535 Extinct? Not Exactly...
5536 Catch Him Flat-Footed
5537 It Is Alive!
5538 A Cute Bunny
5539 Long Ears, Sharp Teeth
5540 Hopping Madness
5541 Aww, How Sweet!
5542 Fluffy Ears And A Knife
5543 Carrots And Rabies
5544 Arr!
5545 Terror Of The Seas
5546 Skull And Crossbones
5547 Taurus XXL
5548 Taurus XXL
5549 Taurus XXL
5550 Rocky Problems
5551 Do You Like Magma?
5552 Take It On The Gnoll
5553 Rock'n Gnoll
5554 Don't Gnoll On Me!
5555 Itsy-Bitsy Spider
5556 Bitten By The Tarantula
5557 I Hate Spiders!
5558 White As Snow
5559 Beware Of The Tiger
5560 Beware Of The Panther
5561 Holy Leapin' Lion!
5562 Beware Of The Sting
5563 Beware Of The Sting
5564 Beware Of The Sting
5565 Beware Of The Sting
5566 Red Lights
5567 Swamp of promises
5568 The Bride From Hell
5569 Witch Potion
5572 I AM NOT MAD!
5573 Scream Hard
5574 Beware Of Monster
5575 Biting Cold
5576 Biting Poison
5577 Dead At First Bite
5578 Muddy Business
5579 Aggressive Quicksand
5580 Bubbling And Slimy
5581 Hot Off The Stove
5582 Transylvanian Trouble
5583 Transylvanian Terror
5584 Transylvanian Evil
5585 A Hapless Hoax
5586 A Hysterical Hoax
5587 A Harmful Hoax
5588 A Horrible Hoax
5589 Cruel Demon Warrior
5590 Nasty Hate Demon
5591 Sinister Hell Creature
5592 This Is A Robbery!
5593 Give Me Your Money!
5594 Sneaky Thieves
5595 Don't Look At Its Eyes!
5596 Turned To Stone
5597 Extraterrestrial Problems
5598 Alien Problems
5599 Problems Of The Third Kind
5600 It's Just A Flesh Wound
5601 It Burns!
5602 Ghastly Gargoyle
5603 Grungy Gargoyle
5604 The Grumpy Crocodile
5605 The Frost Alligator
5606 The Shadow Alligator
5607 Mud-Wrestling
5608 The White Gorilla
5609 Monkey Dance
5610 The Mountain Gorilla
5611 Rattling Bones
5612 Bones And Magic
5613 Bones And Wizardry
5614 Bones And Rust
5615 Bones And Rust
5616 Bones And... ARGH!
5617 Don't Look!
5618 Don't Look!
5619 A Well-Deserved Death
5620 To groom the lion's mane
5621 Boars Are Boring
5622 Boars Are Boring
5623 Ride Like The Wind
5624 Sand In Your Eyes
5625 They Are Everywhere!
5626 The Tree Of Death
5627 The Tree Of Death
5628 The Witching Hour
5629 What Exactly Is A Glompf?
5630 What Exactly Is A Glompf?
5631 What Exactly Is A Glompf?
5632 Aim For The Eye!
5633 Aim For The Eye!
5634 Aim For The Eye!
5635 Aim For The Eye!
5636 The Tentacle Debacle
5637 With Regards From 'The Family'
5638 The Gruesome Grey
5644 The Monk Warrior
5647 I Bring You Fire
5651 Militant Lizard
5654 The Foreigner
5656 Little Green Man
5700 The target is a dirty bat.
5701 It's a bat out of hell.
5702 I'm talking about a dusty bat.
5703 The target is a flesh golem.
5704 It's a zombie.
5705 I'm talking about an undead.
5706 The target is a firelog.
5707 It's a frost demon.
5708 I'm talking about a rattling cobra.
5709 The target is a shadow cobra.
5710 It's a nutty natter.
5711 I'm talking about a spittle cobra.
5712 The target is a polar bear.
5713 The target is a problem bear.
5714 The target is a giant grizzly bear.
5715 I'm talking about a rabid brown bear.
5716 The target is a green rex.
5717 The target is a red rex.
5718 The target is a gray rex.
5719 I'm talking about a snow troll.
5720 I'm talking about a night troll.
5721 I'm talking about a mountain troll.
5722 The target is a brainless troll.
5723 I'm talking about a gray vulture.
5724 I'm talking about a culture vulture.
5725 I'm talking about a pack rat.
5726 The target is an albino rat.
5727 The target is a sewer rat.
5728 I'm talking about a neglected potted plant.
5729 I'm talking about a slimy plant that eats vegans for breakfast.
5730 I'm talking about a ghastly ghoul.
5731 I'm talking about a smelly ghoul.
5732 The target is a rotten ghoul.
5733 I'm talking about a raptor.
5734 The target is a raptor.
5735 It's a raptor.
5736 I'm talking about a bigfoot.
5737 The target is a yeti.
5738 I'm talking about a killer rabbit.
5739 The target is a killer rabbit.
5740 It's a killer rabbit.
5741 It's a pink killer rabbit.
5742 I'm talking about a rioting rabbit.
5743 It's a rabid rabbit.
5744 It's a mean pirate
5745 I'm talking about the scum of the seas.
5746 The target is a pesky pirate
5747 It's a taurus.
5748 The target is a taurus.
5749 I'm talking about a taurus.
5750 It's a stone giant.
5751 I'm talking about a magma giant.
5752 The target is a gnoll.
5753 The target is a winter gnoll.
5754 It's a slobbering gnoll.
5755 I'm talking about a giant spider.
5756 The target is a terror tarantula.
5757 I'm talking about a tree spider.
5758 The target is a snow lion.
5759 I'm talking about a tiger.
5760 It's a panther.
5761 I'm talking about a mountain lion.
5762 The target is a deadly scorpion.
5763 It's a jungle scorpion.
5764 I'm talking about a shadow scorpion.
5765 The target is a fire scorpion.
5766 The target is a terrifying succubus.
5767 I'm talking about a swamp nymphomaniac.
5768 The target is an ugly bride from hell.
5769 It's a witch.
5770 I'm talking about an angry centaur.
5771 The target is a wrathful centaur.
5772 It's a raging centaur.
5773 I'm talking about a banshee.
5774 The target is a biting mutt.
5775 It's an ice wolf.
5776 I'm talking about a rabid wolf.
5777 The target is a grim wolf.
5778 The target is a slimy blob.
5779 It's aggressive quicksand.
5780 The target is a slimy blob.
5781 It's a lava blob.
5782 I'm talking about a sinister vampire.
5783 The target is a blood-thirsty vampire.
5784 I'm talking about a biting vampire.
5785 It's a mean gremlin.
5786 I'm talking about an evil gremlin.
5787 The target is a mischievous gremlin.
5788 It's a creepy gremlin.
5789 I'm talking about a cruel demon warrior.
5790 The target is a nasty hate demon.
5791 It's a sinister creature from hell.
5792 I'm talking about a smelly bandit.
5793 The target is a rowdy robber.
5794 I'm talking about a sneaky mugger.
5795 I'm talking about a basilisk.
5796 The target is a fire basilisk.
5797 It's a biting alien.
5798 I'm talking about an alien from a different planet.
5799 The target is a deadly alien.
5800 It's a dark rider.
5801 I'm talking about a fire elemental.
5802 The target is a ghastly gargoyle.
5803 It's a spongy gargoyle.
5804 I'm talking about a mean-spirited swamp crocodile.
5805 The target is a frost alligator.
5806 It's a shadow alligator.
5807 I'm talking about a mud crocodile.
5808 The target is a white gorilla.
5809 The target is a gorilla.
5810 I'm talking about a mountain gorilla.
5811 It's a skeleton.
5812 It's a skeletal mage.
5813 I'm talking about a skeletal mage.
5814 The target is a skeletal warrior.
5815 It's a skeletal warrior.
5816 I'm talking about a terrifying skeletal guardian.
5817 The target is a gorgon.
5818 It's a gorgon.
5819 I'm talking about an innocent elephant baby.
5820 The target is a lion.
5821 It's a wild boar.
5822 I'm talking about a wild boar.
5823 The target is a twister.
5824 It's a sand storm.
5825 I'm talking about an insect swarm.
5826 The target is a terror tree.
5827 It's a corrupted terror tree.
5828 I'm talking about a ghost.
5829 The target is a red glompf.
5830 It's a blue glompf.
5831 I'm talking about a green glompf.
5832 The target is a cyclops.
5833 It's a cyclops.
5834 I'm talking about a fire cyclops.
5835 The target is a cyclops.
5836 It's an octopus.
5837 I'm talking about a member of The Family.
5838 Word is, there lives a grey dragon.
5844 The culprit is a strange martial monk.
5847 A gigantic dragon keeps spitting hellfire there.
5851 Some militant lizard is playing with swords there.
5854 Whatever the heck kind of critter it is over there, it sure ain't coming from any place that I've ever heard of.
5856 There's been talk about a little green man lingering there.
5900 The Old Bucket
5901 A Bag Of Peanuts
5902 An Old Hat
5903 The Unremarkable Package
5904 The Rubber Sword
5905 An Empty Gold Chest
5906 A Chest Full Of Lead
5907 Crate And Quarrel
5908 The Litter
5909 The Stamp Collection
5910 A Set Of New Cart Wheels
5911 Pig Pickup
5912 The Cowboy
5913 The Sheep
5914 The First Person Shooter
5915 A Sack Of Flour
5916 The Rusty Greaves
5917 The Feather
5918 The Shrunken Head
5919 A Bunch Of Hair
5920 The Paint Bucket
5921 The Epic Item
5950 You see this bucket?
5951 You must take this bag of peanuts.
5952 You shall take this old hat.
5953 Take this package full of... uh, socks. Yeah.
5954 Take this totally impractical rubber sword, ok?
5955 You see this empty chest of gold?
5956 I have quite a handy chest of lead for you.
5957 Do you see this chest? I will climb into it now.
5958 We're talking about this litter here.
5959 Take my priceless stamp collection.
5960 Take this set of new cartwheels.
5961 Carry this pig through the village for me, would you?
5962 Look, what a pretty cow! You have to carry it because it can't walk.
5963 This sheep has to go! That's why you must escort it.
5964 I have a computer game rated M for Mature. If you are old enough, this assignment is for you.
5965 Take this bag of flour. It's pretty heavy.
5966 Do you see these rusty greaves? Creepy, huh?
5967 Take this delicate feather.
5968 Take this shrunken head please.
5969 You are allowed to transport this bunch of hair. It's quite an honor actually.
5970 You see this paint bucket here?
5971 This magnificent epic item has to be taken extra care of.
6000 Transport it to the Sprawling Jungle.
6001 Take it to Skull Island.
6002 Deliver it to Evernight Forest.
6003 Carry it to the Stumble Steppe.
6004 Bring it to Shadowrock Mountain.
6005 Transport it to Split Canyon.
6006 Take it to the Black Water Swamp.
6007 Deliver it to Flooded Caldwell.
6008 Carry it to Tusk Mountain.
6009 Bring it to Moldy Forest.
6010 Transport it to Nevermoor.
6011 Take it to the Busted Lands.
6012 Deliver it to Erogenion.
6013 Carry it to Magmaron.
6014 Bring it to the Sunburn Desert.
6015 Transport it to Gnarogrim.
6016 Take it to Northrunt.
6017 Deliver it to the Black Forest.
6018 Carry it to Maerwynn.
6019 Bring it to the Planes of Oz'Korr.
6020 Transport it to the Rotten Lands.
6050 And make sure that the goods arrive in perfect condition!
6051 And don't lose anything on your way!
6052 I'll be watching you, every breath you take, every step you make.
6053 And remember: Lonely are the brave!
6054 And always remember to buckle up!
6055 And no whining. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger.
6056 And no time for coffee breaks!
6057 And don't let the goods drop to the ground. If you snooze you lose!
6058 I hope you don't mind heavy lifting.
6059 Shouldn't be a problem for a hotshot like yourself.
6100 The Son Of The Smith
6101 The Poor Old Man
6102 The Mother's Daughter
6103 The Noble Old Man
6104 The Insolvent Merchant
6105 The Slave Of The Merchant
6106 The Veiled Veil
6107 The Veteran Veterinarian
6108 The Old Wizard
6109 The Half Dwarf
6110 The Helpless Superhero
6111 He Is My Brother
6112 The Priest Of The Deep
6113 The Double Agent
6114 The Beautiful Orc
6115 The Man With The Mask
6116 The Naked Princess
6117 The Thing
6118 The Cute Dragon Whelp
6119 Monster With Eleven Eyes
6120 The Eleventh Elf
6121 The Village Idiot
6122 IT!
6150 You know the son of the smith?
6151 See this old man here? He has nothing to eat and holes in his socks.
6152 Your assignment's about the daughter of the mother.
6153 Your duty is to accompany the noble old man.
6154 The insolvent merchant is completely broke by now.
6155 You will be accompanied by the slave of the slave trader.
6156 You know the veiled veil, eh?
6157 There's that veteran veterinarian...
6158 I'm sure you've heared of the old wizard.
6159 The half dwarf can be quite a handful.
6160 There's this helpless superhero here...
6161 I trust you with my brother.
6162 The subject of your assignment is the priest of the deep.
6163 Please take care of the double agent.
6164 There lives a stunningly beautiful orc near here.
6165 You know the man with the mask, I assume?
6166 There's that naked princess I'm sure you heared of.
6167 Please take care of "the thing".
6168 What a cute dragon whelp! Take care of it for me.
6169 I have caught a monster with eleven eyes.
6170 The eleventh elf needs some company.
6171 The village idiot can't travel anywhere alone.
6172 I'm sure you've heared of IT!
6200 Travel together to the Sprawling Jungle.
6201 Escort your protectee to Skull Island.
6202 The subject must safely reach the Evernight Forest.
6203 Travel to the Stumble Steppe.
6204 Ride together to Shadowrock Mountain.
6205 You shall both go to Split Canyon.
6206 Your destination is the Black Water Swamp.
6207 You must travel to Flooded Caldwell.
6208 You shall reach Tusk Mountain by sundown.
6209 I need you both to travel to Moldy Forest.
6210 Head to Nevermoor, both of you!
6211 You must head for the Busted Lands.
6212 You shall reach Erogenion in good time.
6213 Travel together to Magmaron.
6214 Escort the subject to the Sunburn Desert.
6215 Escort the subject to Gnarogrim.
6216 Get the subject to Northrunt - safely.
6217 I need you both at the Black Forest.
6218 Please travel to Maerwynn together.
6219 You shall escort your protectee to the Planes of Oz'Korr.
6220 The travel will lead you both to the Rotten Lands.
6250 This is really important, so don't mess it up.
6251 And make sure that he is well and alive when you get there.
6252 And just to make myself clear: Don't touch her!
6253 And come up with some interesting conversation topics for the journey.
6254 Just don't get involved in any shady deals with him.
6255 But don't sell her on the way!
6256 Just don't remove the veil because no-one must see the veil beneath.
6257 Just keep him away from animals or he will try to neuter them.
6258 He sometimes loses his hat, so be on your guard!
6259 And don't lose him, he is really small.
6260 Always be aware of his supremacy and his helplessness.
6261 And don't tease him as much as I always do.
6262 He is not that important, so you may spit on him.
6263 Quite honestly, I am not exactly sure if he is working for or against us.
6264 Just don't look in his eyes - he doesn't like that at all.
6265 And don't tell him that he carries his mask inside out.
6266 By the way, she is quite ugly, so you better grab some clothes for her.
6267 Yes, the thing... I mean who reads these descriptions anyway? Just pick the quest which gives you the best reward.
6268 But beware! He likes to breathe fire.
6269 And sing him a lullaby at bedtime.
6270 And make sure that he survives or you will not get a reward.
6271 Keep him on a short leash. He is afraid of butterflies and might run away.
6272 IT! will follow you until you reach your destination - and maybe for the rest of your life...
6300 %1Medal of Advancement
6301 %1Medal of Heroism
6302 %1Medal of the Gladiator
6303 %1Medal of the Adventurer
6304 %2Medal of Employment
6305 %2Medal of Commerce
6306 %1Medal of Bravery
6307 %1Medal of Friendship%3
6310 Current grade: %1#Level %2
6311 Current grade: %1#%2 *Dungeon level*Dungeon levels* cleared
6312 Current grade: %1#%2 *Victory*Victories*
6313 Current grade: %1#%2 Quest
6314 Current grade: %1#%2 *Working hour*Working hours*
6315 Current grade: %1#%2 *Gold*Gold* earned
6316 Current grade: %1#Best ranking in the hall of fame: %2
6317 Current grade: %1#%2 *Friend*Friends* invited
6318 %1 *Tower floor*Tower floors* cleared
6320 %2 Rank at level %1
6321 %2 Rank at %1 *Cleared dungeon level*Cleared dungeon levels*
6322 %2 Rank at %1 *Victory*Victories*
6323 %2 Rank at %1 *Quest*Quests*
6324 %2 Rank at %1 *Working hour*Working hours*
6325 %2 Rank at %1 *Earned gold*Earned gold*
6326 %2 Rank at Rank %1 in the hall of fame
6327 %2 Rank at %1 *invited friend*invited friends*
6330 All attributes + %1
6331 First
6332 Next
6333 #Link to invite a friend:#%1(or click on the symbol)
6334 Invite
6335 Click here to invite a friend#to Shakes & Fidget - The Game#.
6340 Not awarded yet
6341 Common
6342 Common
6343 Bronze
6344 Bronze
6345 Silver
6346 Silver
6347 Golden
6348 Golden
6349 Golden
6400 Grrr...
6401 Can you help me?
6402 Hey, kid!
6403 Psst!...Yes, you!
6404 Hey, you!
6405 I hope you have balls, as my quests are not designed for weaklings. Take a look at what I have to offer, but if you are afraid then just go away.
6406 I have a lot of problems right now, and I hope you can help me. If not, I'll be in deep, deep trouble.
6407 What are you looking at? Maybe you don't like working for someone looking more dangerous and beautiful than you. If not, take a look at my missions.
6408 Hush, be quiet! I hear that a spy is in the area. Anyway, I've got some super secret missions for you. Maybe you're interested?
6409 Are you familiar with this area? I am looking for an adventurous local for some very specific quests. Are in for it?
7000 Soul Cutter of the Unholy Death Curse|"Avoid skin contact."
7001 Hook of the Ship's Kobold|"Its previous owner was keelhauled."
7002 Bone Breaker of Brute Force|"A delicate weapon for#the sophisticated hero."
7003 Mr. Massacre 2000|"It can kill, massacre,#annihilate and brew coffee."
7004 Snapping Turtle on a Stick|"Always obey the speed limit."
7005 Extra Strong Can Opener of Penetration|"Because armor doesn't#just consist of tin plate."
7006 Morning Skull of Hangovers|"Its bad mood is overwhelming."
7007 Demon Sword of the Evil Eye|"If looks could kill...#oh... they can."
7008 The Househusband's All-purpose Tool|"A powerful artifact#if you can handle it."
7009 Chemical Mace|"The mace studies'#state-of-the-art weapon."
7010 Big Butcher's Knife|"Butcher, sharpen your#slaughter knife!"
7050 Watchmen Shield of Watching|"And who watches the Watchmen?"
7051 Shield of Future Generations|"No child left unblocked."
7052 Shield of Eternal Light|"Economical and durable#thanks to modern LEDs"
7053 Diabolic Protection Devil|"Celebrates its 666th#birthday every day."
7054 Nail Shield of the Fakir|"Also works as an#introduction to acupuncture."
7055 The Wall|"We don't need no education#We don't need no thought control"
7056 Voodoo Grimace of Deterrence|"The enemy's weapons#instinctively retreat by themselves."
7057 Demonic Shield of Deformation|"Gross."
7058 Magnetic Shield of Repulsion|"Not suitable for patients#with cardiac pacemakers."
7059 Distorting Mirror of Deformation|"Your appearance makes your#opponent sick."
7060 Portable Bunker|"Can be used as#a rolling latrine, too."
7100 Chromatic Chrome Armor|"If you always keep it shining,#your enemies will soon be whining."
7101 Flame Steel Armor|"We didn't start the fire..."
7102 Golden Obesity Armor of the Hedonist|"The true hero does not fight,#he let's others fight for him."
7103 Costume of the Unknown Hero|"In his real life he#is a popular hero."
7104 Armor of Failed Anger Management|"Whoever wears it#has a mild grin on his face."
7105 Glass Armor of Transparency|"To show off the undershirt#for once."
7106 English Mailbox of the Pun|"English mail = armor = postal = LOL!!1"
7107 Demon Armor of the Big Mouth|"Hey, your armor just#ate mine..."
7108 The Plumber's Turtle Shell|"Its former owner took#mushrooms to feel big."
7150 Chromatic Chrome Boots|"Always use a brand-name cleaner."
7151 Flame Steel Boots|"Hope dies last.#Your enemy dies first."
7152 Golden Obesity Boots|"Comes standard with foot massage functionality."
7153 Robot Feet|"In a fantasy world with aliens#and dinosaurs nothing can make you wonder..."
7154 Boots of Uncontrolled Rage|"For a graceful, elegant appearance."
7155 Unicorn Boots|"For anatomical reasons, not one#but two animals had to die for this."
7156 Steam-powered Boots of Traction|"Their distant whistling announces#blood and thunder."
7157 Demonic Demon Boots of the Demon|"For heroes who have to go through#hell every day."
7158 Stabber's Boots|"Goose-step and stab geese."
7200 Chromatic Chrome Gloves|"Made from chrome alone."
7201 Flame Steel Gloves|"Flame Steel is a material which#consists of flames... and steel!"
7202 Golden Obesity Gloves|"To own them is to love them."
7203 Gloves of the Swiss Army|"Behold the power of the toothpick."
7204 Gloves of Boundless Wickedness|"Dirty deeds done dirt cheap."
7205 Iron Boxing Gloves|"Not very welcome in the ring#but highly effective in practice."
7206 Gloves of the Bread Cutter|"For those who want to give their enemies#something to chew on..."
7207 Demonic Tentacle Gloves|"Anyone touched by them#is disgusted to death."
7208 Mysterious Gloves|"There must be something true#about them old legends."
7250 Chromatic Chrome Helmet|"Now is your time to shine."
7251 Flame Steel Helmet|"Looking sinister has never been that easy."
7252 Golden Obesity Helmet of the Hedonist|"Even the lazy ones can win."
7253 Hockey Mask of the Lunatic|"Five minutes for fighting."
7254 Helmet of Violent Temper|"Wear it and find inner peace."
7255 Scary Mask of Severe Fright|"Not for the faint of heart."
7256 Splendid Tournament Helmet|"Its design also makes it very#suitable as a cleaning brush."
7257 Horned Demon Helmet|"It literally devours#the hair off your head."
7258 Armored Goggles of Foresight|"Don't lose your sight#in the thick of the fight."
7300 Chromatic Chrome Belt|"Always follow the cleaning#and maintenance schedule."
7301 Flame Steel Belt|"Its specific attributes make it so valuable."
7302 Briefs of Doubtful Hygiene|"The last battle left its marks."
7303 Offensive Belt of Defense|"Attack is the best form of defense."
7304 Furiosity Belt of the Reddening Face|"Keep everything under control."
7305 Blade Belt of Sharpness|"Monstrously safe and#comfortable to wear."
7306 Belt of the Shields|"It can't hurt to wear#another shield in front."
7307 Demonic Belt of Fright|"A secure grasp thanks to the#patented tentacle buckle."
7308 Clingy Fanboy|"The question is if you#will ever get rid of him."
7350 Glorious Scarf of the Critic|"His reviews are more destructive than constructive."
7351 Snappish Dragon Necklace of the Tooth Fairy|"You should offer a tooth#before she chooses one on her own."
7352 Blinking Chain of Lights|"It must be Christmas time."
7353 Decadent Necklace of the Oligarch|"Its ugliness is only excelled by its price."
7354 Cujo's Collar of Biting|"He just wants to play..."
7355 Epic Backstage Pass of Importance|"Strange tales are told about the#VIP area in the tavern..."
7356 Demonic Necklace|"Compared to this,#every face seems attractive."
7357 Disgusting Leech of the Blood Game|"Its blood lust is contagious."
7358 Classy Bow-tie of the Agent|"Shaken, not stirred."
7359 Burden of Eternal Love|"If you have it around your neck#you're at least not alone."
7360 Tie of Integrity|"Makes a different impression#in no time."
7400 THE Ring|"Yes, exactly, THIS one!"
7401 Golden Skull Ring of Captain Blue Beard|"Legend says that this ring#once belonged to captain Blue Beard.
7402 Giant Diamond Ring of the Show-Off|"You don't wear it.#You just own it."
7403 Toxic Thorn Ring of Resistance|"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
7404 Steel Knuckles of the Bar Brawler|"You can't possibly beat this argument."
7405 Demonic Ring of Impunity|"Originally it was supposed to be called 'Harmonic#ring of unity...'"
7406 Curly Ring|"Look, a curly ring!"
7407 Ring of Fire|"And it burns, burns, burns..!"
7408 Boxing Ring|"Amusingly, it has corners#as a matter of fact."
7409 Eye Ring of the Observer|"Stop looking at me!"
7410 Invisible Ring|"From the emperor's#new clothes collection"
7450 Treasure Map of Empty Promises|"It is always good to have something to look forward to."
7451 The Forbidden Book|"Rated M for Mature."
7452 Epic Bathroom Tissue of Superiority|"Can't spare a square."
7453 Hilarious Pocket Explosion|"Useful in many situations."
7454 David the Talking Zombie Head|"He always has a#word of wrong advice."
7455 Demonic Key Chain|"It's always in the one spot where#you don't expect it. With your key."
7456 Hello Doggy Doll|"For real men."
7457 Voodoo Doll of Bribery|"Maybe your enemy will surrender#voluntarily if you offer him the doll?"
7458 Pushy Groupie|"What do they want from#you and your body?"
7459 Toast of the Creator|"Tastes so good with#a slice of face sausage!"
7460 Black Hole|"Keep it in a different pocket#than the front door key!"
7500 Staff of the Shrunken Head|"He does not look so happy."
7501 Silver Soul Harvester of the Grim Reaper|"The harvest will be bountiful this year."
7502 Fiery Flame Staff of the Dragon Lord|"People who live in#glass houses shouldn't throw flames."
7503 Staff of the Swarm|"Don't worry, the fever will come#down once the eggs have hatched."
7504 The Flash|"Not to be confused with#certain multimedia platforms."
7505 The Janitor's Wet Mop|"After all, someone has to wipe up#all the blood..."
7506 The Guitar Hero's Murder Weapon|"The volume button on the#amplifier goes up to 11."
7507 The School Girl's Heart Wand|"A short, pleated skirt can#multiply its effect several times over."
7508 The Clown's Fun Killer|"The party is over!"
7509 Dust Thrower of the Leaky Bag|"It resembles a common bagpipe."
7510 Candy Cane of Evilness|"Bad for teeth,especially#if it hits."
7600 Arcane Robe of the Legendary Grand Master|"It oozes with magic."
7601 Fidget's Robe|"Authentic and certified. One can#only hope it wasn't his only robe."
7602 Freezer Burn Robe of the Cold Store Worker|"This must be the coolest outfit ever."
7603 Holy Robe of the Unholy|"Enjoys a good ethical dilemma."
7604 Terror Tunic of the Grim Reaper|"Your time has come!"
7605 The Drama Queen's Conspicuous Jacket|"Who is that weirdo?"
7606 The Magician's Dapper Tailcoat|"Hocus pocus for young and old!"
7607 Ghostly Cape|"A spooky apparition."
7608 Dressing Material of the Mummy|"Contains an awful#lot of conservatives."
7650 Arcane Storm Boots of the Battle Mage|"Hey, you stepped into a puddle of mana!"
7651 Slippers of the Hero|"If you don't wear the breeches..."
7652 Freezer Burn Boots of the Ice-Cream Man|"Your enemies may lick them."
7653 Giant Hooves of the Sad Clown|"The tears of a clown,#when there's no-one around."
7654 Shoes of the Fire Walker|"The news about this item#will spread like wildfire."
7655 Fluffy Slippers of Cuteness|"They gnaw. On your ego."
7656 Old shoes of Bad Taste|"If worn with socks,#a truly hazardous sight."
7657 The Illusionist's Elegant Boots|"For qualified abracademics."
7658 Patent-leather Shoes of the Flashy Dude|"Not that appropriate#for outdoor use."
7700 Arcane Storm Gloves of the Magician|"Contains at least 98 % pure mana."
7701 Arcane Lotion of the Homeopath|"It makes your spells soft as silk."
7702 Giant Finger Gloves of the Master Nose Picker|"For all sorts of exploration."
7703 Cuddly Fleece Gloves of the Damned|"One of the most evil artifacts of its kind."
7704 Eerie Mummy Grasp of Osiris|"Undead, but still lifts a finger."
7705 Shock Sock Puppets|"Let the fists speak!"
7706 Spooky Gloves|"As if it came from the hand of a ghost..."
7707 The Show Magician's Posh Gloves|"Dexterity is everything."
7708 Inside-out Fingerless Gloves|"Finally warm fingers!"
7750 Alien Laser Deflector Helmet of the Paranoid|"Finally, some free thoughts!"
7751 The Anonymizer|"For delicate undercover operations."
7752 Hat of the Archmage|"There's a rabbit in the hat!"
7753 Swashbuckler Hat of the Pirate Captain|"Only a matter of time until#a talking parrot will join you."
7754 Xecl'Poxle's Voodoo Mask|"It's also called The Mask of the#thousand curses. But not in a bad way."
7755 3D Glasses for the Color Blind|"In the left eye,#the grass really is a little greener..."
7756 The Respectable Person's Noble Wig|"If you know how to wear it#then it actually won't look silly."
7757 Enchanting Hat of Amazement|"You won't believe all the#things in there..."
7758 High-born Hat|"Wearing it more than once#is a faux pas."
7800 Inflatable Swim Ring of the Nonswimmer|"The wearer may drown,#but the ring will always swim."
7801 Fidget's Belt|"Its previous owner was#a 'big' magician."
7802 Freezer Burn Belt of the Refrigerator Technician|"You're as cold as ice,#you're willing to sacrifice."
7803 Hula Costume of the Accidental Tourist|"Aloha 'oe,#until we meet again."
7804 Belt of the Mutated Battle Turtle|"Its wearer is blessed with#secret ninja powers."
7805 Emergency Parachute of Liquidity|"It's too big to fail."
7806 Belt Made of Pure Magic|"Wooow!"
7807 Belt of Confident Superiority|"Much more popular than the 'Necklace of humiliating defeat'."
7808 Lacy Elven Hair Belt|"Silky and without split ends."
7850 Dragon Fire|"Finally you are the hottest hero."
7851 Kill-o-Matic 5000|"Turns harmless browser games#into violent shooters."
7852 Glowing Neon Bow of Wisdom|"You don't want to know#why it always glows."
7853 Scout Bow of the Burning Marshmallow|"The smell of adventure and#miserable camping trips."
7854 Piranha Bow of the Gutter|"It's quite a catch of the day."
7855 Realistic Rocket Bow|"Just as you know it from#old legends."
7856 Chicken Master 3000|"In the latest version, the projectiles#won't leave you with egg all over your face."
7857 Vuvuzela of Death|"Actually it's just a completely#normal vuvuzela."
7858 Shark Harpoon|"Also suitable for hunting#demons and other bad guys."
7859 Crossbow of the Sniper|"One shot, one hit."
7860 Pocket Catapult|"Always carry one with you."
7950 Bodo Bulk's Cuirass|"Nobody knows who Bodo Bulk is,#but here is his cuirass anyway."
7951 Bush Stalker's Armor of the Bush Stalker|"The well-equipped stalker#catches the bush."
7952 Demon Massacre Armor|"An exquisite garment for hunting demons,#bunnies and other small game."
7953 Leather Harness of the Barbarian King|"Nothing beats the feeling of#leather rubbing on naked skin."
7954 Leather Pants of the Beer Consumption|"Wearer feels the urge to#yodel at every full moon."
7955 The Frequent Flyer's Pilot Jacket|"Unfortunately, it's not#available for bonus miles."
7956 The Graverobber's Cadaver Jacket|"Only the best of the best."
7957 Deadly Tentacle Jacket|"But don't hug anyone#while wearing it."
7958 Dragon Costume of Cuddliness|"Make a lasting impression!"
8000 Yellow Rubber Boots of Intensity|"The color is so shocking that#your enemies tremble in fear."
8001 Bush Stalker's Boots of the Bush Stalker|"Perfect for beating around the bush."
8002 Demon Massacre Boots|"To slay a demon you've go get there in the#first place, so you need a sensible pair of boots."
8003 Leather Boots of the Barbarian King|"Way too sophisticated for#the average common barbarian."
8004 Leather Boots of Dominance|"Your enemies will kiss them and thank you for getting beat up."
8005 Cowboy Boots|"I'm sure they'll be in fashion again some day..."
8006 Treacherous Foot Parasites|"They live off the sweat on your feet. But they keep you warm in return."
8007 The Express Messenger's Winged Boots|"Just like walking on clouds."
8008 Boots of the Silent Steps|"Sneaking up made easy."
8050 Gloves of the Bat Guy|"Stolen from the closet#of a legendary hero."
8051 Bush Stalker's Gloves of the Bush Stalker|"No bush stalker is complete without them."
8052 Demon Massacre Gloves|"Can also be used for grooming ponies."
8053 Bracers of the Barbarian King|"It's good to be the king."
8054 Burning Fire Gloves of Hell|"Oven mitts are so yesterday."
8055 Freddy's Murderer Gloves|"You will never want to pick#your nose again."
8056 Ghastly Hand Parasites|"Tentacles make better#fingers anyway."
8057 The Snooty Person's Expensive Leather Gloves|"The best you can#get at that price."
8058 Equipment of Self-destruction|"You can destroy others#with it, too."
8100 Draconian Helmet of the Goat Skull|"For those who grab the goat by its horns."
8101 Bush Stalker's Helmet of the Bush Stalker|"For that assertive push#through the thickest bush."
8102 Demon Massacre Helmet|"Primarily designed to attract other demons."
8103 Leather Mask of Dirty Little Secrets|"Extra protection against whippings."
8104 Swanky Sombrero|"Buenos tardes, amigo!"
8105 The Test Pilot's Experimental Cap|"With a practical emergency propeller."
8106 Brain Stimulator|"Its skilled tongue accelerates#all thought processes."
8107 Robin's Hat|"You could give it to#the poor. Or to yourself."
8108 Portable Observatory|"Now you know what's#happening all around you."
8150 All-purpose Belt of the Bat Guy|"Loaded with epic special features."
8151 Bush Stalker's Belt of the Bush Stalker|"To comply with the dress code#for dealing with bushes."
8152 Demon Massacre Belt|"Demons will want to to steer clear of you."
8153 Loincloth of the Barbarian King|"Does it make you look fat?"
8154 Weapon Belt of the Sheriff|"Look, I am unarmed!"
8155 Green Poison Belt|"The antidote costs extra."
8156 Survival Belt of Completion|"Includes an outdoor waffle iron."
8157 Parasite Belt|"Once it bites down on itself, it will fit well."
8158 Tiger Tail Belt|"Great disguise that makes#you look really dangerous."
8200 Desecrated Catacombs|"The dead are surprisingly alive."
8201 The Mines of Gloria|"Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to work we go."
8202 The Ruins of Gnark|"Frequented by criminal elements."
8203 The Cutthroat Grotto|"The fight against piracy has just begun."
8204 The Emerald Scale Altar|"Life is full of sacrifice."
8205 The Toxic Tree|"Its roots reach down into infernal deeps."
8206 The Magma Stream|"It's getting hot in here."
8207 The Frost Blood Temple|"Will make your blood run cold."
8208 The Pyramids of Madness|"Don't lose your sanity (or your life)."
8209 The Black Skull Fortress|"The source of evil, it even has a gift shop."
8210 Circus of Terror
8211 Hell
8212 The 13th floor
8250 Level: %1/10#Next enemy: %2
8251 You need to find a key to enter this place.
8252 You have cleansed this place of all its horrors.
8253 %1 - Level %2/10
8254 Dungeons
8300 Desecrated Catacomb Key|"Hmm, a key? Makes you#wonder where it might fit... "
8301 Gloria's Mine Key|"Forged by dwarves,#looted by you."
8302 Key of Gnark|"It was robbed from a robber."
8303 Serial Key of Piracy|"Cutthroat Grotto is located#at the infamous Pirate Bay."
8304 Scale Key of the Emerald Lizard|"Sacred relic of an#ancient (and pretty cruel) culture."
8305 Sickly Tree Key|"Yuck, this thing looks#seriously contaminated."
8306 Key of Lava Heat|"Your ticket to the hottest#dungeon in this game."
8307 Icy Key of the Templar|"Feels like freezer burn."
8308 Pyramid Key of Madness|"You would have to#be crazy not to use it."
8309 Black Skull Key|"Does not look very inviting."
8319 The Tavern's Toilet Key|"Once a drunken dwarf mage#ran away with it."
8320 Magic Mirror of the Doppelganger|"Finally! Your mirror image fights#while you're on a journey."
8321 Ominous Egg|"I wonder what will hatch from it?#You can certainly spend a long#time brooding over questions like that."
8322 Strange Egg|"On the outside it looks just like#the other one. But is the yolk inside it?"
8323 Odd Egg|"Ask the Easter Bunny,#maybe he knows something."
8329 Mirror Shard of Misfortune|"Breaking a mirror,#brings 7 years bad luck.##But what if you put#an ill-fated mirror back#together piece by piece?"
8330 Mirror Shard of Self-Reflection|"See your dark side.#Free it from the mirror world#and try to keep it under#control."
8331 Mirror Shard of Clumsiness|"A powerful and, unfortunately, somewhat#clumsy mage#once let the mirror fall.##Until you have found all the shards,#you should not go#barefoot."
8332 Mirror Shard of Doppelgangers|"It is said that your mirror image#can develop its own life.##In the best case, it will help you#do several things at once.##In the worst case,#it will try and kill you."
8333 Mirror Shard of Twilight|"I'm keeping a close eye on you,#mirror image!"
8334 Mirror Shard of Prudence|"The right mirror can allow#you to keep a good overview#of what's going on around you.##It's very possible that with the#complete mirror, you will#find certain things that#have so far escaped you."
8335 Mirror Shard of Double Standards|"A mirror that doubles everything?#Even your morals?##To what shameful deeds#might it lead you?"
8336 Mirror Shard of Multitaskers|"The mirror was once used by a very#busy scoundrel to be in#two places at once. ##He was able to travel the lands as#well as hang around the#arena at the same time."
8337 Mirror Shard of Copyright Issues|"It remains a legal gray area#as to whether a mirror image#is actually an unlicensed copy."
8338 Mirror Shard of Doubling|"Anyone who wants to double#something with a mirror#could..."
8339 Mirror Shard of Vanity|"Anyone who owns a#mirror is damned to gaze#into it."
8340 Mirror Shard of Presumption|"No one really knows yet#for what good the#mirror is. But it must be#good for something..."
8341 Mirror Shard of Replication|"A master forger once made this#item to look almost#like a real mirror."
8342 Mirror Shard of Complexity|"I could explain what it's good for,#but it would lead too far from the point."
8350 Potion of the Glass Jar Opener
8351 Potion of the Yo-Yo Player
8352 Potion of the Barfly
8353 Potion of the Stair Climber
8354 Potion of the Consolation Prize Winner
8355 Potion of the Arm Wrestler
8356 Potion of the Chopstick Warrior
8357 Potion of the Nerd
8358 Potion of the Ranger
8359 Potion of the Raffle Winner
8360 Potion of the Weightlifter
8361 Potion of the Slamdunker
8362 Potion of the Particle Physicist
8363 Potion of the Long Distance Runner
8364 Potion of the Jackpot Winner
8365 Potion of Eternal Life
8400 Next
8401 Not taking part in battle yet!
8402 Not yet ready for defense!
8403 Not yet ready for attack!
8404 Takes part in attack against your guild!
8405 Defends own guild against yours attacking!
8411 Ready for attack!
8412 Ready for defense!
8413 Ready for attack and defense!
8420 Attack another guild
8421 Ready yourself for upcoming attack
8422 Ready yourself for upcoming defense
8423 You're ready for the upcoming attack.
8424 You're ready for the upcoming defense.
8425 Your fighters are tired. Attack possible at %1.
8426 Your guild is not currently under attack.
8427 There is no upcoming attack.
8428 Attack this guild
8429 Defend your guild against this guild's attack.
8430 There is an upcoming attack.
8431 This guild can not be attacked at the moment.
8432 This guild is under attack by your guild.
8433 This guild is under attack by another guild.
8434 Only the guild leader can commence an attack.
8435 This guild is not attacking.
8436 Your guild is already attacking another guild.
8437 Battle cost:
8438 Your guild doesn't have enough gold to fight this battle.
8440 Attack against %1 on %2
8441 Attacked by %1 on %2
8442 Attack against %1 at %2
8443 Attacked by %1 at %2
8450 Attack commenced by player %1.
8451 Hero of the Day:
8452 %1 (%2 kills)
8453 Heroes of the Day:
8500 Congratulations - your guild has been victorious! Time to tap some, er... Barrel.
8501 Your guild has been able to defend its honor on the battle field. Time to get hammered!
8502 Victory is yours! Now go to hit the tavern and brag about your undeniable, cunning heroism!
8503 You have fought a successful battle, which shall now be duly celebrated. With lots and lots of booze.
8504 Your fighters had to endure quite a few blemishes, but now it's time to taste sweet victory. In pint form.
8505 Wow, you totally lost.
8506 Fighting battles would be so much more fun if you actually won every now and then.
8507 You fought a noble battle, which your back-stabbing enemy absolutely noticed and took advantage of.
8508 The investment in your new hospital has really paid off - as opposed to the investment in this battle.
8509 You might have stood a better chance if you weren't such lousy fighters.
8510 Guild honor gained:
8511 Guild honor lost:
8600 Not enough gold in guild treasury.
8601 This guild is already under attack.
8602 The attack can't be carried out at the moment.
8603 Your guild is already attacking.
8604 Attack not possible.
8650 Overthrow inactive guild leader
8651 Are you sure that you want to overthrow the guild leader? You should only do so if your guild agrees with you.
8652 Overthrow guild leader
8653 %1 has overthrown the guild leader %2. %3 has become the new guild leader.
8654 Attack on guild %1 has been successful. Gained honor: %2
8655 Current grade: %1#Maximum honor: %2
8656 Attack on guild %1 has failed. Lost honor: %2
8657 Attack by guild %1 has been defeated successfully. Gained honor: %2
8658 Attack by guild %1 could not be defeated. Lost honor: %2
8659 %2 Rank at %1 Honor
8660 You have to be a guild member for 24 hours before you can join in a guild battle.
8700 Gorilla Milkshake
8800 Invitation accepted
8801 %1 has accepted your invitation.##You will get your bonus once %1 has confirmed her/his email address. Reply to this message to directly contact %1.
8802 Invitation confirmed
8803 %1 has confirmed her/his email address. Your bonus has been awarded to you.
8804 Congratulations!#You have beaten the last#Dungeon. But who knows what#the future will bring?#Your Shakes&Fidget Team
8805 Support
8806 %1 (ends %2)
8807 gained
8808 lost
8809 Password keyword Pw Admin Login User data Support User data Login data Password Game staff Payment Supp0rt Manager User name User name Paswort Pasword
8810 [Warning: Employees from Shakes&Fidget Support, the game team, or Playa Games GmbH will never ask for your password. You should never give anyone your login data under any circumstances! If someone has sent you this message with bad intentions, please report it to Support.##This message was generated by the system automatically. The sender's original message follows.]##%1
8811 You have to reach at least level 10 before you can send messages.
8812 Your email address has to be confirmed before you can send messages.
8813 /whisper
8820 Guild raid - defeating an epic dungeon together
8821 Report for the guild raid
8822 You have already reported for the guild raid.
8823 Your fighters are exhausted. Raid possible beginning %1.
8824 No guild raid is currently planned.
8825 A guild raid is taking place.
8826 Only the guild leader or an officer can initiate a guild raid.
8827 Your guild is already attacking another guild.
8828 The costs of war:
8829 Your guild doesn't have enough gold to finance this raid.
8830 No attack on the guild is possible as long as a raid is planned.
8831 No raid on the guild is possible as long as an attack is planned.
8832 Defeat of %1 on %2
8833 Defeat of %1 by %2
8834 Raid commanded by player %1
8835 Next level
8836 Costs
8837 All dungeons have been defeated successfully.
8838 Dungeon
8840 The wading pool
8841 The 6 1/2 seas
8842 The shallows of the deep sea
8843 Community garden colony
8844 The preschool of horror
8845 Realm of the dark dwarves
8846 The glass castle
8847 Downtown Brooklyn
8848 The bat cave
8849 The Gobbot land
8850 Realm of the Magic Lantern
8851 The East pole
8852 Realm of the titans
8853 Absurdistan
8854 The bone castle
8855 Myths and mysteries
8856 Ancawatri dromedary
8857 Barbaria
8858 Extraterra IV
8859 Path to hell
8860 Hellish hell
8861 The petting zoo of death
8862 In the dragon's lair
8863 Blackwater moor
8864 Monster kindergarten
8865 The cabinet of horrors
8866 Wild monster party
8867 Cave of the graverobbers
8868 Crypt of the undead
8869 The emperor's fighting guard
8870 The topsy-turvy world
8871 Harbingers of the dead
8872 The predators' feast
8873 Monkey business
8874 The booger population
8875 Dodging the blade
8876 In the dark of the night
8877 Asocial combustion point
8878 The old cemetery
8879 Primordial beasts
8880 The black magic mountain
8881 Gragosh's dread
8882 Ragorth the Bandit
8883 Slobba the Mudd
8884 Xanthippopothamia
8885 In the vegetable garden
8886 The premature end
8887 Debugging
8888 Error in the system
8889 At the big boss's place
8990 Dungeon "%1" was defeated successfully!
8991 Sorry, dungeon "%1" could not be defeated.
8992 Server started - %1
8993 The fortress level determines#the member capacity of your guild.##The absolute maximum amount of members#is 50.##In addition, the level of#your own fortress increases the war costs#for attacking guilds.
8994 secret password keyword hello sfgame shakes fidget sex god secret test login password game admin monitor keyboard fuck root
8995 The password you entered is not secure.##It can be easily guessed or figured out#by unauthorized persons.##A good password should have at least #8 characters, capital and#small letters, as well as numbers.#Words like "secret" or "password"#should be avoided, as should#your own user name or simple#series of numbers or letters.
8996 The password you entered is ok.##But with a better password, you could#protect your account better against#unauthorized access.##A good password should have at least #8 characters, capital and#small letters, as well as numbers.#Words like "secret" or "password"#should be avoided, as should#your own user name or simple#series of numbers or letters.
8997 The password you entered is secure.
8998 This command is obsolete.
9000 You successfully overcame these horrifying encounters. All monsters, beasts and villains were massacred with extreme brutality. You're setting a great example for young people.
9001 Throats were slit, bones were broken, curses were uttered and ankles were sprained. But the collateral damage was worth it. This dungeon is defeated.
9002 What a triumphant victory over the dark forces of the underworld! That you got through this without wetting yourself will go down in the history books.
9003 Finally the boss is also down. Blood is flowing from the cadaver; it smells like death and decay. Corpses are everywhere. No doubt, you're playing a killer game.
9004 Aww, well this could have been much worse... *rattle* *gasp* *coughing up blood*. With exaggerated coolness, you limp back into your fortress. What great heroes you are.
9005 On top of everything else, the monsters who lived in the dungeon videotaped your defeat with a cellphone and put it on the Internet. The comments are more painful than any blow with a sword.
9006 By the way, doping is okay in dungeons... if there's no other way.
9007 You promise yourself that you'll get out the heavier artillery next time. Apparently this dungeon does need a stronger dose of heroism.
9008 Even the greatest heroes occasionally fail to master superhuman challenges. But you should make an effort to look less pathetic next time.
9009 Maybe this dungeon was a little too powerful for you after all... Boys, girls, pull yourselves together!
9010 Cybernetic zombie
9011 War ogre of war
9012 Archdemon of confusion
9013 Valkyrie
9014 Big-mouth of doom
9015 Ping Pong
9016 Boogerus the Booger Giant
9017 Shniva
9018 AfterDarkor
9019 Armored fire dragon
9020 Werewolf
9021 Crococopter
9022 Gripcut the Ghastly
9023 Gragosh the Destroyer
9024 Ragorth the Vengeful
9025 Slobba the Mudd
9026 Fat Elke
9027 The mother-in-law
9028 Reaper man
9029 Debugger's Doom
9030 AI
9031 The boss
9032 Hellgore the Hellish
9033 Henry the Magic Fairy
9034 Jet the Panty Raider
9035 Clapper van Hellsing
9036 The KOma KOmmander
9037 Roughian the Ruthless
9038 Ben the Marketeer
9039 Hector the Contractor
9040 Motu with a Club
9041 Jack the Hammerer
9100 Declare a raid
9101 Would you like to declare the guild raid "%1" for a price of %2 gold?
9102 Donatable: %1
9103 You should never disclose your password to anyone else!
9104 Old email:
9106 E-mail address
9107 Invite a friend
9108 Message
9109 Please enter the e-mail address of the person youâd like to invite along with a message. The recipient will be informed of your player name. The recipient has to give his or her consent to receive messages from you.
9110 The invitation was sent successfully. You will receive an in-game notification as soon as your friend has registered for Shakes & Fidget - The Game.
9111 Scrapbook
9112 Scrapbook of meticulousness
9113 ???
9114 Found:#%1 / %2#%3%
9115 Collector's bonus
9116 Monsters
9117 Valuables
9118 Warrior's equipment
9119 Magician's equipment
9120 Explorer's equipment
9121 All of the items that you find, buy or that are carried by an enemy#whom you attack and defeat are permanently deposited#in the scrapbook.##Monsters that you have defeated are stored here, too.##Depending on the level of completion, quests will be credited with a proportional experience bonus.
9150 forever ;-)
9151 Every day we have HAPPY HOUR from 11 to 12 pm!##If you haven't used your Thirst for Adventure by then you#can shorten quests during that time.
9152 Facebook
9153 Google +
9200 Welcome to the Oktoberfest!
9201 Welcome to the Oktoberfest!
9202 Hello! It's Oktoberfest! To celebrate this event at the weekend we have found the best beer brand in the world - free beer!
9203 Yes, you heard right, bud. Free beer for free. The whole weekend. No, it wasn't my idea, I ain't that stupid. But this little man out there in the street will pay the bill. He said this at the latest regular get-together. Seems he's feeling generous.
9204 Sound on chat message
9205 = (Armor / EnemyLevel) rounded
9206 Weekend of Wisdom
9207 Epic Weekend
9208 Economic Boom
9209 Mushroom Harvest
9210 Merry Christmas
9216 Today the Moon is in the constellation of the three headed monkey. According to the prophecies, this means that an adventurer can achieve vast amounts of experience today. And AFTERWARDS he may reward himself with beer...
9217 What, you never heared of the Epic Weekend?! It's the most important promotion event of the whole epic items industry. If you want to equip yourself with epics, today is the day. Unless you prefer wasting your time at the bar...
9218 Finally, our economy is getting better! You'll notice that you get paid extra for working and questing today. But for loitering in the tavern, you still don't get paid at all.
9219 The big mushroom harvest awaits! They're practically everywhere... So come on, go questing and you will find your share! Afterwards you can come back for drinks of course.
9220 To mark the occasion, we're holding four promotions at once today â more experience points, more epic items (at level 50), more gold, and more mushrooms! What are you waiting for?
9226 Today the Moon is in the constellation of the three headed monkey. According to the prophecies, this means that an adventurer can achieve vast amounts of experience today. So... here's to wisedom!
9227 What, you never heared of the Epic Weekend?! It's the most important promotion event of the whole epic items industry. If you want to equip yourself with epics, today is the day. And if you don't find any, you can still drink yourself happy.
9228 Finally, our economy is getting better! You'll notice that you get paid extra for working and questing today. What better way to celebrate it than by having a few pints?
9229 The big mushroom harvest awaits! They're practically everywhere... So come on, go questing and you will find your share! And as an investment, i'd recommend purchasing a few brewskies.
9230 We're celebrating 4 years of Shakes & Fidget â The Game! To mark the occasion, we're holding four promotions at once today â more experience points, more epic items, more gold, and more mushrooms! There's everything! Well, except free beer...
9236 Your account has been locked by the game staff. Remaining lockout time: %1 Day(s)
9237 Your account has been locked because of bot usage. Remaining lockout time: %1 Day(s)
9246 Giant Mushroom Catapult
9247 The Giant Mushroom Catapult is an artillery#weapon that you can use for additional#damage to your enemy in the upcoming battle.##Each Giant Mushroom hits one fighter#at random and does great damage to the fighter.
9248 Giant Mushrooms loaded
9249 %1 / %2
9250 load Giant Mushroom
9251 %1
9252 Only officers and the guild leader can load the catapult!
9253 has loaded the Giant Mushroom Catapult.
9256 Completely Useless
9257 Welcome !
9258 For our wealthiest of customers we offer the Completely Useless Package: A solid gold character page! Without any kind of practical advantage, but exceptionally pricy! Show those common folks how rich one feels when surrounded by gold!
9259 Buy (1000~P)
9260 Oh, I see that you already purchased our exquisite Completely Useless Package! Excellent choice! Just make sure the gold doessn't get dusty...
9261 Are you really sure? I mean... no offense, but 1000 Mushrooms is a lot... for pointless luxury that lacks any kind of practical use... but if you know what you're doing...
9262 Yes... (1000~P)
9263 Alright, the Completely Useless Package it is, for one thousand mushrooms. Rest assured that it does not serve any purpose at all, besides enraging the envious. Ok?
9264 YES!!! (1000~P)
9300 Search
9301 Downloading Payment App...
9302 Server
9303 save
9304 Save Password
9305 Your session expired.\nPlease retry once more, or logout and login again.
9306 Choose a Profile
9307 Long pressing a profile will delete it.
9308 You have no saved profiles yet.
9309 Reload
9310 Sounds
9311 Animations
9312 are on
9313 are off
9314 No guild.
9315 No mail.
9316 Contacting servers...
9317 Country
9318 Refresh serverlist.
9319 Drink
9320 Buy
9321 Sell
9322 Extract
9323 Equip
9324 Info
9325 For using the app you need to own or create an account on the webversion of Shakes and Fidget at http://www.sfgame.us
9326 Version
9327 Do you like Shakes & Fidget? Please rate us with 5 stars so that others can find us at the store!
9328 Email address confirmation
9329 Your email address has not been confirmed, yet. Please enter your confirmation code you have received in your mail.
9330 OK
9331 Accounts without confirmation will be deleted when player is inactive for a while.
9332 get the confirmation mail again
9335 Quest finished
9336 Quest finished
9337 Your quest has been finished.
9338 City guard finished
9339 City guard finished
9340 Your work as city guard has been finished.
9341 Notify me when a quest or city guard is finished.
9348 Enchant
9349 Throw into caldron
9350 We are sorry, but currently we cannot offer any in app payment. If you want to buy mushrooms, please login with your account data on #server#.
9351 Into the toilet!
9352 You already have 3 active potions.
9353 No internet connection due to inactive WLAN or mobile connection.
9354 Couldn't establish server connection.
9355 Refresh chat automatically
9356 Rate
9357 Later
9358 No, thank you
9359 You have been blocked due to the payment process. Please contact the support by menu->infos->support.
9360 Your account has been locked by the gamestaff. Please contact the support by menu->infos->support.
9361 Do you really want to delete your account irrevocably, now? Deleted accounts cannot be restored.
9365 Thank you for your payment. Shortly you will receive %1.
9366 Your transaction has not been closed. Please try again or contact the support. %1
9367 User abort
9368 General error while processing the payment
9370 Use
9372 Remove effect
9373 Error downloading data.
9374 Loading data...
9375 Progress:
9376 Loading assets...
9377 Could not load assets.
9378 Download
9400 This guild is too far from yours in the hall of fame.
9401 Forward
9402 Fw:
9403 Message from %1:##%2
9405 Mantling (%1/%2)
9406 Supporter (%1/%2)
9407 Shield (%1/%2)
9408 Banner (%1/%2)
9409 Helm (%1/%2)
9410 Order (%1/%2)
9411 Charge (%1/%2)
9416 Suggest
9417 Apply
9418 %1 has suggested a new coat of arms.
9419 You can only place one coat of arms suggestion per minute.
9420 Azure
9421 Gules
9422 Purpure
9423 Sable
9424 Vert
9425 Or
9426 Argent
9427 Brown
9428 CendrĂŠe
9429 Sanguine
9430 Murrey
9431 TennĂŠ
9432 Carnation
9440 Tincture on shield: %1
9441 Tincture on shield: %1
9442 Tincture on shield: %1
9443 Tincture of charge: %1
9445 Every member can suggest#a new coat of arms.##The guild leader can apply#changes.
9446 Switch to guild features.
9447 Switch to coat of arms.
9448 %1 has reached level %2.
9449 %1 has completed level %3 of dungeon "%2".
9450 %1 has found "%2".
9451 Empty Inbox
9452 Are you sure you want to delete all#messages from your inbox?
9453 Empty
9455 Make room in the back bag first!
9456 Nothing happens.
9457 The Mana Tank increases for#each item you sacrifice to#The Gods in the Arcane Toilet.##Once the tank is full#you may flush the toilet.##Fill level: %2 / %3
9458 Pull this chain to#flush the Arcane Toilet.##Each use creates a#new item and also increases#your Arcane Aura.
9459 Throw an item into the#Arcane Toilet to sacrifice it to The Gods.##You can do this once per day.##Your Mana Tank increases with#each sacrifice. When the tank is full#you can flush the toilet.#The Gods will thank you and#reward you!
9460 The toilet lid shows the current level#of your Arcane Aura.##According to legend Arcane Aura#helps impressing stubborn merchants so they#offer you better items.
9461 Aura:#%1
9462 Oh well, the old guest toilet...
9463 Alright buddy...so you have found the Tavern's Secret Guest Toilet. It is said that it has magic powers. Not bad!##I mean...of course there is this clearly visible sign that points there and many people have found it before...but still it is okay to feel like a little hero if it matters that much to you.##However, if you should find the lost toilet key on your journeys...now THAT would really be a heroic deed. Even I would respect you for it. But nobody has ever found it below level 100.
9465 Only one sacrifice per day possible!
9466 The Mana Tank is full!
9467 Attribute difference
9468 Error: guild bank is full!
9469 Compare items
9471 Barbaric Bert
9472 Magic Mark
9473 Clever Kunigunde
9531 Error: The description text is too long!
9532 Free beer!
9533 Dungeons
9534 The Fortress|It looks pretty solid from the outside.
9535 The Circus|Where's that funny music coming from?
9536 Hell|It can't be all that bad...
9537 The 13th Floor|Pretty high up!
9538 The Tower|Once upon a time there was an adventurer and his three companions...
9559 Required class: %1
9560 Warrior
9561 Mage
9562 Scout
9564 Level up
9565 Enter the Tower
9570 Living Cake Man|"On the first level you meet a friendly, aromatic cake man. What's your place in the food chain?"
9571 Green Fairy Drinkerbell|Anise, wormwood, and the magic brew is ready. Drinkerbell offers you a schnapps that can knock you out... Unless you strike first!
9572 Tinvalid|The poor thing! He's actually only looking for his great love, but he's wounded - now's your chance to attack!
9573 Harmless Teddy Bear|He might not be able to really hurt you, but while he's cheerfully waving he's blocking your way. Let him have it!
9574 Flowerlina|A small flower girl is separating you from your goal. It's best if you separate yourself from her!
9575 Tooth Fairy|It was her who stole your milk teeth in exchange for a pittance. The time for revenge has come!
9576 Ugly Chick|A top-model casting reject. It still seems to have big beauty ambitions. That is, unless you stop it now!
9577 Warbling Birdie|That noise pollution is unbearable! Someone should give the beast a good plucking!
9578 Well-Meaning Fairy|Yeah, we've got a wish - get out of the damn way!
9579 Trickeribook's Cheatinchild|The story of his childhood seems very overwrought. I wonder if the survival techniques from the jungle will help him against you?
9580 Singing Dumpling|There'll be no more singing! Is that too hard to understand? Come on, turn that dumpling into porridge!
9581 Puppeteer's Right|He pretends to be so friendly, but he'll use the same hand to play the Devil himself. It's time to hand him his walking papers, the fraud!
9582 Grinning Cat|She's always so haughty! You don't have to put up with that kind of attitude.
9583 Ambitious Frog|Wannabe prince... You've heard the story too many times to still believe it!
9584 Pinociwhatsit|The whatsit on his face says he's up to no good again.
9585 3x3 Wishes|Everyone take a turn to make a wish, then everyone take a turn to attack!
9586 Bootlegged Puss|The stink of booze and boot leather and great promises of wealth and fortune on top... Who would believe it.
9587 Dotty from Kansas|That shoe thief. She should go back where she came from!
9588 The Last Airgazer|Jonny! Many hold him responsible for the hole in the ozone layer because he used to always stare up at the sky.
9589 A Rabbit and a Hedgehog|One is a shameless show off, the other an uninhibited fraudster. Both should be punished, in the name of the moon!
9590 Holger Nilsson|Wild geese are protected animals. Anyone who steals one has you to reckon with!
9591 High-Spirited Ghost|Even the most cheerful ghost is unholy and has to meet its end some time. Exorcise the ghosts, the good and the bad!
9592 Blood-Red Riding Hood|What she and her accomplices did to that wolf is animal cruelty and needs punishing!
9593 Snowflake|Summer is coming. And so is the thaw.
9594 Star Money|The suspect was first spotted naked beneath the open sky. Later, financial resources of dubious origin were discovered near her person.
9595 Miss Match|A poor, harmless creature suffering undeservedly. Anyone who keeps playing here will have a bad conscience at Christmas.
9596 Ice Queen|She's looking forward to holding you in her arms, until you die an icy death.
9597 Badly Raised Boys|A wonderful example of how well anti-authoritarian parenting works.
9598 Lambikins and Fishy|Anyone who looks this cute and sad deserves to be put out of their misery.
9599 Donkey Shot|Called that, or something like that, at least that's how everyone says it. Anti-wind power fanatic, probably a nuclear power lobbyist.
9600 Street Thief with Monkey|Sniffed his oil lamp too much and now suffers from hallucinations... Put him out of his misery.
9601 Alice in Wonder|Ever since her rabbit ran off she's suffered from delusions. Who knows what she's capable of? Off with her head!
9602 Penterabbit|Sanctum Peter Cottium, Deus in re unium, hippitus hoppitus reus Domine!
9603 Dynamic Peter|He always like he never ages. We see your wrinkles, Peter, and we know your weaknesses!
9604 Foolish Princess|She should be easy to beat. After all, she falls for any stupid trick. But just make sure she really is dead!
9605 Pleasure Addict|No excuse to party is too silly for him. He's always celebrating something. Do the right thing and put an end to his endless revels!
9606 Amnastasia Rubliovka|Who knows exactly where she comes from, but she's always trying to creep into high society circles with the help of dubious accomplices.
9607 Useless Livestock|You can find something better than early retirement everywhere!
9608 Humpty Dumpty|Sitting pretty on the wall with his grammar book. What would happen if you knocked him off?
9609 King Chinbeard|If his beard wasn't so lopsided and if he stopped trying to teach young women manners, it might be possible to have some sympathy for him.
9610 Sandman|Anyone who creeps into children's bedrooms at night and throws sand in their eyes has no place in civilized society.
9611 John or Tom?|...or something like that. Ask a witch, she will know.
9612 Scarecrow|A preferred method in politics for handing over briefcases of cash. Preventing corruption is a noble endeavor!
9613 Mirrored Fool|He abuses his freedom by mirroring the truth. Can a civil society suffer such a thing?
9614 Three Little Pigs|They'll need more than a brick house to be safe from you.
9615 Goose in Luck|If your give her a good thrashing, maybe she'll swap you Hans?
9616 Simpleminded Chicken Thief|Rumors have sprouted up around his bean growing enterprise. Perhaps he's followed them all the way up into the Tower?
9617 Baba Yaga|She emerged from the forest of Molwania and found shelter in the Tower. But not from you!
9618 Merlin|According to unconfirmed rumors, he possesses magic powers. Pure brute force is needed here!
9619 Julio and Romy|The second most tragic love story ever. That is, if you rework the ending.
9620 Prince in Shepherd's Skin|An ingenious disguise. I hope you see through it!
9621 Robin the Redistributor|Upsetting the social balance like that can't be popular with politicians.
9622 Ali the Sesame Opener|The door behind him is blocked by rocks. You'll have to beat the password out of him.
9623 Freshly Dressed Emperor|Better not tell him that those clothes make him look fat. He's also carrying a new sword on his new belt.
9624 Dumbo|The glue industry would pay millions for that golden goose. You'd better lend a hand!
9625 Hansel and Gretel|Appetizer: Bread crumbs from the forest floor. Main course: Braised snotty brats. Dessert: Selection of gingerbread cakes.
9626 Bear Fear|The intruder breaks in, destroys furniture, and steals food. Show no mercy!
9627 Pokerhontas|Didn't she invent the Chicory font and get paid a dollar coin for it? That's gotta be enough. Plus, she's standing in your way!
9628 Mass Fly Murderer|Anyone who swats flies will do the same to adventurers at some point. You'd better put a stop to his game.
9629 Cinderella|Talks to animals. Claims she's being bullied at home. Wants to go to the casting show. It's time to put the shoe on the other foot.
9630 The Enchanting Genie|The blonde woman from the TV show was better. Who wants to wish anything from a tubby blue guy?
9631 Bronycorn|Always on the cutting edge. Friendship is magic! And revenge is salami - because it's best served cold.
9632 Hulda the Cloud Fairy|Shake your bed for us! Otherwise, we'll have to move on to the pillow fight!
9633 Leprechore|At the end of the rainbow is a pot full of... measly dimes? Hmm, never mind, attack anyway. It all adds up.
9634 Robber Hopsenplops|His pepper gun is a joke compared to what you seasoned beserkers snort - the ashes of your enemies!
9635 Thorny Lion|He's probably quite nice, but that excuse won't fly with you. Just be glad he's wounded!
9636 Aquirella the Dazzler|She knows how to use those two shells. Many seafarers have been so entranced that they've sailed straight onto the reef.
9637 Prince Charming|That shamefully suave charmer will try and sweet talk his way out of it. The question is, will you fall for it?
9638 B. O. Wolf|A former legend who now mainly fights people who make terrible films about him. That's understandable, but unfortunately, he's in the way.
9639 Peter the Wolf|...A guy like this looks as unpredictable as he is. Kill first, ask questions later!
9640 Beautiful Princess|You'll have to perform miracles if you airheads want to impress her...
9641 Fearless Wanderer|He's obviously never played Slender... And he's never met you.
9642 Red&White Forever|After Fairy Tale Forest was cut down, the sisters set themselves up as soccer club mascots and ketchup and mayonnaise promoters.
9643 Friendly Snowman|Hungry for carrots?
9644 Parsifal|With that giant skewer, he's probably on the hunt for the holy grill. Time to barbecue the hick!
9645 Brother Barfly|No one can keep up with him when it comes to drinking the communion wine. But perhaps you've got some other tricks up your sleeves.
9646 King Arthur|Time to dispose of the monarchy.
9647 Sigi Musclehead|He wanted to be a dragon slayer, but didn't make the cut. So he became Mister Universe instead.
9648 The Pied Piper of Jamelin|There must be a nest somewhere... Give him a left hook before even more start dancing to his tune!
9649 The Guys from Oz|The lion finally has a reason to be scared! Because you've come to fight it through the yellow-bricked level!
9650 "Little" John|Hopefully you're adequately prepared despite the misleading nickname...
9651 The Easter Bunny|Happy Hanukkah!
9652 Honey Robbear|Thousands of bees had to work very hard just for that villain to come and help himself! Who will avenge the queen bee?
9653 Shirk the Ogre|Didn't the village donkey say something about a green ogre? He's sure to pay a bounty!
9654 Cozy Bear|He should keep trying to get comfortable while you keep trying out your weapons.
9655 Number Nip|Promoted from bean counter? Well, the higher they climb, the harder they fall. From a tower window, for example.
9656 Three Hungry Bears|Who's been eating your food? Someone who's not going to be granted a last meal! Get her!
9657 Seven Hostages|Just say that you wanted to save them from the wolf's clutches and that they somehow got caught up in the crossfire.
9658 Seven Dwarfs|Didn't they kidnap that gullible princess? Well, their DNA was found behind Seven Hills...
9659 Respectable Dragon Slayer|Tough luck for him that you're not dragons!
9660 Ducat Donkey|Keep the laxatives ready for maximum wealth! But be careful, you never know what's in the sack!
9661 Bean Counter|Her counting methods may be unconventional, but at least she knows how to lie on peas the right way.
9662 Happy Dragon|He's probably just eaten the leftovers of one of those self-proclaimed dragon slayers. This is your chance!
9663 Shockheaded Jack|In contrast to his brother Peter, he was clever and patented the Afro hairstyle.
9664 Papa Frost|Let's see what he has to say about Mama Flamethrower? He's sure to just melt in rapture.
9665 Dream Couple|Thanks to the dating platform PairPlex and its matchmaking algorithm, these two are too busy with each other to defend themselves!
9666 Three Ghosts|Every year there's a new film adaptation. It's just impossible to kill the ghost...or is it?
9667 Sleepy Princess|Perhaps you can come up with a "romantic" way to wake her?
9668 Nanobot Porridge|The yellow-beige-goo phenomenon in all its glory!
9669 Barbpunzel|Getting tangled up in this woman's hair is probably unavoidable.
9770 Tower Conqueror
9771 The Tower, Level %1
9772 Level: %1/100#Next opponent: %2#Gold bonus: %3%
9773 Tower bonus
9774 You did it! The fairy tale has been disenchanted and the protagonists had to make a run for it!
9775 And they all lived happily ever after. Well, you did. Your enemies didn't.
9776 And they imposed all of the rage and hate of the entire fantasy world on the fairy tale figures...
9777 And if they didn't die... Yeah, well, they did. So, it's time you headed back home. Or do you want to keep going up?
9778 With a single spirited step you carried the childhood memory to the window and counted the seconds until.... *splat*.
9779 It looks like all the fairy tales about the danger of this opponent do have some truth, after all.
9780 Everyone knows that good always wins out in the end in fairy tales. So, what does this defeat say about you?
9781 Evil triumphs once again because good is too stupid. And no good at fighting.
9782 And the moral of the story? Never overestimate your strengths!
9783 You were four against one and you were still pathetically beaten!
9784 "You don't really look like you're in the mood for adventure right now... Maybe you should treat yourself to a beer. Or come back again tomorrow."
9785 The merchant says the thing smells strange.
9786 Yuck, it's already been there!
9800 ae=UAE
9801 ca=Canada
9802 br=Brazil
9803 cl=Chile
9804 cz=Czech Republic
9805 de=Germany
9806 dk=Denmark
9807 es=Spain
9808 fr=France
9809 gb=Great Britain
9810 gr=Greece
9811 hu=Hungary
9812 in=India
9813 it=Italy
9814 jp=Japan
9815 mx=Mexico
9816 nl=Netherlands
9817 pl=Poland
9818 pt=Portugal
9819 ro=Romania
9820 ru=Russia
9821 se=Sweden
9822 sk=Slovakia
9823 tr=Turkey
9824 us=USA
9900 -Select Game World-
9901 Payment Cancelled.
9902 Payment Process Failed.
9903 Purchasing Mushrooms...
9904 Processing Your Purchase...
9905 Error Handling Purchase.
9906 Payment Successful! Mushrooms will be rewarded shortly.
9907 Hey, the secret door is for employees only!##Whatever, welcome to the secret witch's kitchen!#Here's where I conjure powerful spells#to make equipment even more effective.##Every day I need a different ingredient for the ritual.#You should throw in whatever you can do without.#The whole game world benefits from it!##Today I'm collecting %1. If you've#got any, throw 'em in!
9908 Excellent! I've got enough ingredients in the#cauldron - thanks to adventurers like you!##The brew's just gotta simmer a while#and the ritual to consecrate the#new spell scroll can be#completed!
9909 Today's ingredient
9910 Donation progress
9911 %1%
9912 It's bubbling nicely -there'll be#a new spell scroll in the magic#shop soon enough!
9913 Oh dear, it looks as if I'm all out of#recipes for new enchantmants.##Maybe there will be more at some#point in the future, but for now I'm afraid that#you'll have to manage with what's pinned#to the board above my head.
9914 That's just my lunch bubbling in this caldron.##Don't you dare throw any stuff in it!
9915 Not a desired ingredient today!
9920 Weapons
9922 Chestplate
9923 Shoes
9924 Gloves
9925 Headgear
9926 Belt
9927 Amulets
9928 Rings
9929 Talismans
10010 Sword of Vengeance|Enchant your weapon to#increase the damage of critical hits in#combat.
10030 Mario's Beard|Enchant your breastplate#to find mushrooms more often on#adventures.
10040 36960-feet boots|Enchant your footwear to shorten#traveling time on#adventures.
10050 Shadow of the Cowboy|Enchant your gloves to draw first in battle#more often. The person with#the highest reaction score#starts.
10060 Adventurer's Archaeological Aura|Enchant your hat to earn#extra experience points on#adventures.
10070 Thirsty Wanderer|Enchant your belt to stomach an#extra beer once in a while.
10080 Unholy Acquisitiveness|Enchant your amulet to find#items at the path's edge on adventures#more often.
10090 The Grave Robber's Prayer|Enchant your ring#to find extra gold on#adventures.
10100 Robber Baron Ritual|Enchant your talisman to#increase the chance of loot when#holding up other players.
10120 Spell scroll "%1"
10121 Enchantment
10122 Available since %1
10123 Available in magic shop
10124 Inconspicuous book
10125 Tube off!
10126 Cursed Tube|"If I had a mushroom#for every commercial I ever...##Oh. You can get mushrooms for watching#the tube? Well then!"
10210 Crit. hit
10230 Find mushrooms
10240 Travel time
10250 Reaction score
10260 Bonus XP
10270 Extra beer
10280 Find item
10290 Bonus gold
10300 Battle gold
10410 +%1% damage
10430 +%1% chance
10440 -%1 seconds
10450 %1 (higher begins combat)
10460 %1 per adventure
10470 %1 per day
10480 +%1% chance
10490 %1 per adventure
10500 up to +%1%
99999 1
1009105 Battle %1/%2